
The following is a list of imbedded links to discussion forms... Please link to each and express your belief, opinions, contradictions, etc... your feedback is central to improving what is said here.

Evil : Love : Marrage : Lies : Violence

Religion has always been a tool for governing, none the less, there is prophetic understanding in the bible. There are also other profetic words that are not in the bible. It is our obligation to find the truth within these words and build a Church that enriches our humanity.  Builds community, ethical order, love of neighbor, and corrects the contradictions to what is good.   

God Is the Alpha and Omega and is understood as a trinity of the Father, the Son and Holy SpiritJesus Christ is the son of God.

God has left us the Bible to tell us who we are, how we must live, and worship. The Bible is the core of our western archetype. God also gave us our common sense, our intuition, and intelligence to understand him. God can be seen in that snippet of the alpha and omega that is our history. God can be understood through knowledge, and with knowledge the word  of Jesus Christ can be best followed.

Don't adhere to ignorance as the way to heaven. Truth is a difficult path and the only worthwhile pursuit.   

The Bible in particular the New Testament, is the source of the spirituality of this Church. Our duty on this earth is to build the community of Christ, and follow his teachings. Each and everyone should strive to be more than what Jesus Christ was. 

The Biblical Creation Story is the Egyptian Creation Story and need not be taken literal. The old testament would have been heavily influenced by the Egyptians and Babylonians, as well as other Civilizations and peoples of the time.

The Sabbath should be on Saturday. It is more probable that we say Amen because it gives honor to the Egyptian God Amen Ra

The Isrielites are the Hyksos, or some part of the Hurrian-Hittite peoples that once ruled northern Egypt, and were expelled through the story of the Exodus.

Moses was a Egyptian plan to enslave these people without their knowledge. The Pharisees were part of that deception.  Is this the reason for the horns on Michelangelo's Moses ... his power over others? Is this why there is never war between the Jews and the Egyptians. This is why the Jews are always at the forefront of War. They are deceived by their own priest class to become the warrior class of the Egyptians. Is this the truth that would set the Jewish people free? Could it not said in public.  

Life is eternal, and there is Heaven and Hell.   

The Church should be the embodiment of Jesus Christ. Through selfless actions, feeding the poor, healing the sick, and love of neighbor. All the miracles that Jesus Christ preformed we should do... and more.    

Church is the community. Communion within that Church is what  Jesus Christ teaches. This site is a social network platform is ideal connection point for comunity interaction.  This is simply the practical end of business to perform the work of Jesus Christ. The church of Jesus Christ was what would change the world, Paul recognized this and set in place this revolution for all men.

Prayer comes in many forms, below find two videos that will bring you closer to an understanding of the word Jesus Christ, and the task at hand.   

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