At the Battle of Siddim, the first of twenty battles described in the Bible, Abraham starts his profession with a household of three hundred eighteen trained mercenaries. After this battle  Abraham gives tides of 10% to Melchizedek, priest of the God El ʿElyon , King of Jerusalem, and Messiah.  It will be declared that the Jewish priesthood will be forever, in the order of Melchizedek. To the Jewish world, no one was greater than Abraham, yet Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek, indicating that Melchizedek was even greater.  There is a stark contrast here between a religion of  war profiteers, to one which teaches us to love our enemy.  Christ too is from the line of Melchizedek, but rejects a jealous God, and describes an unknowable, just and benevolent God. The priesthood is changed to those of Christ, and the law is changed as well.  Look up Hebrews 7, then ask, and tell me why, if I am a Christian why must I support genocide? 386