On this channel is a historical account entitled Bible Story, which is a history from Genesis to the First Century which starts by comparing similarities between the creation accounts of the Egyptian religion and Genesis. Then the Biblical Moses is re-explained in view of the Hurrian or Hyksos exodus, and a conclusion drawn that the Jewish and Egyptian governance was somehow intertwined. Through the Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and then finally the Roman conquest of the Jewish people, the common Hebrew is governed through an aristocracy, who in turn are at the service of the empire of the day. It would be significant to understand that today this aristocratic form of governance has not changed, although we pretend a democracy and equality of citizenry. History defines who we think we are, yet can we say history is any more than a story… thus making history very similar to how we see our future, only a scenario that could be. Just as we use our reason to predict what will happen tomorrow, we should do the same for our history. 397 BB-4-2