The Emperor Nero blamed Christians for the fire that ravaged Rome in 64 CE. He accused them for starting the fire, and arrested, tortured and executed hundreds of Christians including the Apostles Peter and Paul. In July 69 AD, Titus Flavius Vespasianus, or just Vespasian, was proclaimed emperor by his legions in Egypt and Syria, he will take Rome from the Julian Caesars and adopt Josephus the Jew as his historian. The Christian message will support his authority over the Egyptian and the Greek territories Rome now rules over. Finally, in 325 C.E. Christianity is firmly established by the Neo-Flavian, Flavius Valerius Constantinus. Why does it appear that the Flavians used Jews and Christians to take Rome from the Julian family of Nero. If I may ask, would you please subscribe, as that would help me greatly with this channel. Thanks 399-B 4 4 4