
Did you know that the book Antiquities of the Jews, written in 95 AD, is one of the few contemporary sources that mention Jesus Christ? It states: "About this time lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was the achiever of extraordinary deeds and was a teacher of those who accept the truth gladly." This work was authored by Flavius Josephus, a Jewish military leader who initially fought against the Roman Empire as a general of the Jewish forces in Galilee. After being captured, Josephus switched sides and was granted freedom by Vespasian, who deposed Nero and the Julian family to become emperor in 69 AD. Josephus then adopted the family name Flavius, the same family name as Emperor Constantine, who established Christianity in 325 AD. Were the Jewish-Christian messianic movements co-conspirators in the Flavian takeover of the Roman Empire? 375