(3)- Israel, and the Bible
After a period of 100 thousand years of steady cooling down, the temperature of earth begins to rise.
There is a theory called the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, which contends that an extraterrestrial object exploded over North America around 11 thousand years ago, initiating the Younger Dryas cold event, the extinction of many North American mega-fauna, and the demise of the Clovis archaeological culture.
The warmer and wetter climate in the Southern Hemisphere helped human migration into South America. At the same time the populations of the European Northern Hemisphere were forced into southern migrations.
Around the same time, about 10 thousand years ago, there was also rapid warming, populations increased, and a property of evolution we call civilization emerged. Around 6000 to 5000 BC, the Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations began to develop.
Migration and trade between northern European tribes along eastern trade routes will stimulate interactions with the settled populations of Mesopotamia. As trade increases, northern traders will begin to threaten the wealthy established southern civilizations of Egypt, Babylon, Persia, and Carthage. About 2500 years ago, barbarians from the north began to conquer and absorb these civilizations.
Perhaps these migrations came with different mindsets. Living in a harsh northern climate, with a different diet, may have made these people tougher and more serious adversaries. Cold weather does have a culling effect on the weak. In addition, unlike the cake eaters of the south, the northern Europeans would have had a diet consisting of more meat. Not only would the additional protein make for larger people, but it also helps in brain development.
In my lifetime archaeologists uncovered Göbekli Tepe. This is a Neolithic site in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey, which existed between 9500 and 8000 BCE. This predates most Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilization, and indicates to me that these northern hunter gatherers were not as barbarian as we may think.
I consider Macedonia, Assyria, and Greece as cultures that are strongly influenced by northern tribes. From about 2500 BC till the final conquest of the southern civilizations by Alexander the Great in 320 B.C., we see a steady attack on southern civilizations by northern Europeans.
These northern tribes would confederate and influence Mediterranean civilizations. Possibly as soldiers with the sea peoples which plunder Egypt, as well as the Greek/Macedonians that will ultimately conquer Egypt and Persia.
Adam and Eve
Before the wars of northern aggression began, the civilizations of Babylon and Egypt had become the great civilizations we know today. Between Babylon and Egypt we see the struggle of Cain and Abel, an ongoing account of one killing the other, with Israel in the middle. In fact all history has been made of one civilization trying to kill the other.
The influence Egyptians had on the Israelites, must have been significant. With the exception of Moses' account of an Exodus, and the Merneptah Stele, history as well as the Bible tells us that these two people lived in relative peace and next to each other for thousands of years. With no mountains to separate them, no walls, we see no fortifications built between these two peoples.
If you look at this in terms of human dynamics, you will see the resources of the Nile river and its civilization as a prize to be taken. Any band of tough guys would have seen the advantage of taking from Egypt all they could. We also know that the Egyptians were powerful and clever, they were more than capable of conceiving ways to protect themselves.
The story of Adam and Eve, and the history of Abraham is told by Moses to the Israelites. In this historical account of the Jews, we come to a time when the Jews were slaves in Egypt. Moses is planning to have them escape from the richest land in the world, to be relocated to exactly where all enemies of Egypt will need to come through to take the Nile river valley and its resources. But, before this can happen, a back story is given called Genesis.
The creation story of the Israelites is very similar to the Egyptian creation story. In the Egyptian story, God comes from chaos and creates the earth, the sky, the night and the animals. The Egyptian story has Osiris and Isis instead of Adam and Eve… Osiris is killed by his brother Set. Whereas the biblical creation account has Cain killing his brother Abel. In addition, Cain the bad son heads to the East.
This would work nicely if you wanted to have these people distrust anyone coming from the east, for they are the sons of Cain. Especially effective if all your enemies are from the east, like the Babylonians and Assyrians.
The Egyptian belief is that the first population of earth are Gods, but in Genesis they are humans. In the Egyptian story God created the heavens and the earth, but heaven and earth are understood as Gods. In one Egyptian myth, humans are believed to have been created by the gods to serve them and to maintain order (maat) in the world. Humans were seen as a crucial part of the divine plan and were expected to fulfill their roles by living virtuous lives and upholding maat.
In the biblical account, God created the heavens, the earth, and man and woman in his image. Then on the seventh day it is done. But wait, he actually is not done, he has forgotten something, as an afterthought a working class is created for he forgot there was no one to do the work.
"And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground" Genesis 2:5
God now creates Adam and Eve to till the earth and work the garden. I would suppose Adam and Eve are made to serve the Man and Woman earlier created in God's image during the first seven days of creation. Obviously if you are made in God's image you don't till the earth, that's what slaves are for.
The parallels between the Egyptian religion and the old testament are quite numerous, to the extent of archaeologists finding Biblical verses in Egyptian literature such as the Instruction of Amenemope.
The main takeaway from these stories is that they are myths, designed to govern people through superstition. In the Biblical Genesis, we not only see similarities with the Egyptian account, but the groundwork for establishing a slave class and positioning the Jewish people as warriors and servants of God, a narrative that laid the foundation for the tragic course of Western history.
The Floods
The Ice Ages began 2.4 million years ago and lasted until 11,500 years ago. The world would warm up, and if our concept of God is the Alpha and Omega, then climate is an act of God and for this account, this is when God created man. Current evidence suggests that modern Homo sapiens appeared in Africa around 190,000 B.C.E., so we were around far before 11,000 years ago, but we began to act like the humans we know today around 11,000 years ago.
As ice began to melt, the seas and rivers would swell, and great floods would come. It would stand to reason that as most people lived along the rivers and seas, catastrophic floods would have been an increasing problem for them.
The peoples of the northern lands would have found their lands more plentiful. With shorter winters and longer growing seasons, populations would grow in these northern regions and they will do what all humans do, breed, overpopulate, and migrate.
As harsh conditions change into the relatively warm and calm forests we now know of Europe and Western Asia, populations develop into new civilizations, and begin to trade with the northern outskirts of the established Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations.
An emergent property of life is civilization, and this was starting to emerge 6000 years before Christ, and its character was shaped by floods and migrations. Current archaeological finds may indicate that religion, and civilization began not in Egypt, but in Macedonia and Turkey. Exactly in the region where the northern migrations and trade routes intersect with the southern middle eastern people.
Hunter gatherers move with herds of animals, and migration expands cultural experience. In a sense the sons of Cain who left Eden, in Africa, 100,000 years earlier, would travel the earth and eventually return.
A journey of thousands of years was now in this man’s collective memory. These people are coming out of the woods, their theology is evolving from animal Gods, to conceptual Gods of the human condition.
Some would come to believe that there was something internal that connected us to God, a living God that spoke to us. A single living God responsible for suffering, love, wisdom and all human aspects. One God separate from the Pleroma, not to be understood but to be obeyed, maybe this is the God that speaks to Abraham. It is remarkable that some people still have an issue with evolution, we evolve, even in how we understand our God.
As we evolved, some prophets will declare there is but one God. In Babylon, the Gods of Babylon are rejected by Abraham in favor of YHWH " (translated as "I AM THAT I AM" in English). In Egypt Akhenaten declares the Sun God Aten to be above all else. This is also seen in the evolving concept behind the Persian/Assyrian Zoroastrians, and their God Ahura Mazda.
Mount Ararat is where Noah is said to have landed the Ark, and is located in Eastern Anatolia, a region of modern Turkey. The people that lived near Mount Ararat were the Assyrians and will later be called Persians. They will in time become believers of the one God Ahura Mazda (Ahura - lord, Mazda- wisdom), and their prophet is Zarathustra. The Assyrians are from the same region of the Hyksos, who will later become the Israelites.
Abraham comes from the city of Ur, in Babylon, and will become the patriarch of the Hebrew people. Abraham will travel from Ur, through the lands of the Assyrian people on his way to Egypt, and from Egypt his people will create the nation of Israel.
The Bible tells us that Abraham lived ten generations after the flood. His family journeyed from Babylon through the lands of the Hurrians, Hyksos, and Mitanni, eventually reaching Egypt, where the story begins. The Hurrians of Mitanni, descendants of Noah, shared a connection with Abraham, who worshiped YHWH. The Mitanni, from where Abraham's tribes came, were Zoroastrians, worshiping their own single god, Ahura Mazda.
In Egypt the sons of Abraham will meet the illusionists and masters of the Kingdom of Egypt. The line of wise men known as the Pharaohs now come face to face with their past, those that had gone east of Eden have returned. The religion of Abraham, intersects with the religion of the Egyptians. The sons of Abraham who have a covenant with God, one God above all others, will come to eventually teach the great Egyptians.
The character of civilization is built on migrations, people exchange concepts and technologies, and this changes the nature of culture.
Archaeologists tell us that around 3500 years ago (circa 1650–1550 BCE) Semitic people from the lands east of Egypt settled in the lands of the Nile Delta. These people are generally believed to be called the Hyksos, a people which may have originated from a variety of regions, including the Near East, Canaan, and Mitanni. The Mitanni kingdom, was located in what is now northern Mesopotamia and Syria, it was a powerful state during the second millennium BCE and had close ties with Egypt through trade and diplomacy. I would suggest since Mitanni had close relations with Egypt at this time in history, the tribe of Abraham, a confederation of mercenaries, would be the ideal source for these people, The Old Testament does tell us that Abraham and his men traveled from Ur in Babylon, then through Mitanni and Cannan prior to entering Egypt.
Ancient Egyptian texts, such as the Execration Texts and the Amarna Letters, mention the presence of foreign populations in the Nile Delta region. The Egyptians call these people the Hyksos, or “the foreign rulers,” and were defeated and expelled from Egypt in the 18th Dynasty by the Pharaoh Ahmose. The "Storm or Tempest Stela," is a monument erected by Ahmose at the Temple of Karnak, it describes a great storm that destroyed the Hyksos army as they attempted to flee Egypt, which Ahmose interpreted as a sign of divine favor. The Egyptian historian Manetho, who wrote in the 3rd century BCE. tells us that the Hyksos or Shepherd kings invaded Egypt from the east, overrunning the land, burning the cities and destroying their temples, and recounts how the Hyksos were eventually expelled from Egypt by the pharaohs of the New Kingdom.
Then there is the account of the Jewish first century historian Josephus, of which the Jewish Virtual Library says:
Josephus identified the Hyksos as the patriarchal Jews, equating their appearance in Egypt with the Joseph story in Genesis and their subsequent expulsion with the biblical tale of Exodus.
I think we can safely say the Egyptians did remove these people from Egypt, but history can not clearly say where they went.
The Hyksos had infected the land of the Pharaohs with foreign beliefs, such that one of its Pharaohs, Amenhotep IV (1351–1334 BC), tries to convert the Egyptian religion and all its Priests to the belief in one God, Amun - Aten - Ra , the solar deity. .
There are no other archaeological or historical events that parallel the biblical events of the people of Abraham and the Exodus like this one. Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell both believed that the reign of Amenhotep IV, was the most likely time for the Exodus story.
Remember these Egyptian Pharaohs are the greatest of all masters, they have for thousands of years perfected the control of how reality is perceived by their slaves. As today, in the world of ancient Egypt, reality, religion, and history is invented for the working slave class through propaganda, for the benefit of the Priests and Pharaohs.
Keep in mind that in these times, the ruling class believed they were Gods, only a select few could read, and most all people were slaves.
Is the following story a possibility?
The Pharaoh hires a fella called "Moses" to remove the Hyksos from his land and most cleverly places them back to where they came from, next to Egypt and in Canaan. To do this he will give them a new and extraordinary reality. These people, these mercenaries who believe in one God, the sons of Abraham, they that have infected the land of the Pharaohs, will be given a makeover of biblical proportions.
Thousands are sent into the desert, led by Moses and his priests. For 40 years they are forced to wander in this desert. They walk in circles and starve. A most remarkable form of brainwashing and mind control will occur, mass Stockholm syndrome for a new nation. A generation passes, and a new history complete with laws and commandments is given to them to be believed. They are then resettled at the very border of Egypt, to be governed by Kings they believe to be their own and told that they have been given this land by God. They will protect this land unlike any slave, for they believe they are free, and have been divinely given this land. The truth will be kept from them and they will fight all invaders that come for the rich lands of the Nile, of Egypt.
A short side note: Why didn't anyone ask... “why did the Pharaoh not go get his slaves back?” They could have said at some point in the hundreds of years, “We can’t let Moses get away with that! Let's go get the slaves we lost so many years ago!”
There should be some sort of sentiment there, a few wars at least, but nothing, no problems. Plus, there is no sea between Egypt and Israel. You can walk there, in fact it is a walk on the beach, you can go barefoot if you like.
None the less the Israelites do a lot of fighting, just not against the Egyptians. The Old Testament is a war history of these people.
The biggest question I had was: Why have the children and people of our Western Civilization been told this story as fact ever since a Roman Emperor and Caesar decided to do so in 325 BC?
(4) - Babylon and Persia
The Battle of Carchemish was fought about 605 BC between the armies of Egypt allied with the army of the former Assyrian Empire against the armies of Babylonia, who were allied with the Medes, Persians, and Scythians. The Babylonian alliance under Nebuchadnezzar II, decisively defeated the Egyptian and Assyrian forces.
The prize is of course Egypt, but it would be difficult to control Egypt with the Israelis having settled in Canaan. As they do today, the Israelite's will fearlessly fight for the land that God has given them.
It would be a simple matter to control the slaves of Egypt, for they know they are slaves, and a change of master would go unnoticed, but the Israelite's believe they are free and will cause rebellions.
Solution: In 586 BC the Israelite priests and royal families were moved to Babylon where an eye could be kept on them.
539 BC, the Persians, conquer Babylon. Under the rule of Cyrus the Great, the Persians have a more tolerant policy toward the Isrealites, and return the Israelites to Canaan. The Persian religion of Zoroaster is also of the one God, Ahura Mazda. The Persians are from the lands and of the civilization of Mitanni, where the Semitic peoples of the Hyskos had come from. The land that is next to Mount Ararat where Noah's ark landed. Where Abraham’s people came through on their way to Egypt. Cyrus will rebuild the Jewish Temple, restart the Jewish faith, and is canonized as the first Messiah of Israel. The Persians become the beloved allies of the Israelites and the great Persian empire will now stretch from Africa to India.
The kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assyrians in 722 B.C. (the Assyrians were the forerunners of the Persians). It was at this time that ten tribes of Israel were lost. Would it not be reasonable that these tribes were not lost but assimilated into the Assyrian Empire. Thus making the two remaining tribes loyal to Egypt, and the 10 lost tribes part of the Assyrian empire. Since the Assyrians were incorporated into the Persian empire the 10 lost tribes would also be incorporated into Persia, of course they would help the land of Judah, and rebuild the faith.
It is now 500 years before Christ. The Persians now rule over Babylon to the south, and Egypt to the west... and they permit the Israelis to return to their promised land.
In 457 BC according to the Bible, the Persian king sent Ezra to bring the Torah, the five books of the Laws of Moses, to the Jews. Modern scholars have claimed not only that Ezra brought the Torah to Jerusalem, but that he actually wrote it, and in so doing Ezra created Judaism. Without Ezra, they say, Judaism would not exist. Under the Persian rule and patronage of King Artaxerxes, Ezra redefines the Torah with more attention to law, and what appears to be a Zoroastrian bend, Ezra has been called the father of Judaism.
For the Persian King, the Jewish religion was ideal for ruling this territory. The Bible served as a war manual, with spiritual ties to both Egyptian and Persian beliefs. Even the name Israel—Is, Ra, El—echoes the names of Isis, Ra, and Elohim (which is plural). This made it the perfect religion for a people situated between Persia and Egypt. In a way, it was the first "Catholic" or universal religion, as what King Artaxerxes did with Judaism in 457 BC parallels what Emperor Constantine did with Christianity in 325 AD. The idea of a state religion wasn’t Constantine’s invention; religion has long been a powerful tool for governance, though many fail to recognize it.
From a military or diplomatic perspective, with Judea as an ally, Persia could now rule Egypt. The Priests and Kings of the Israelites have lived in Babylonian captivity for over 50 years. In a sense the Kings and priests of the Jews have been liberated by the Persians, and would be grateful. The Israelites will call Cyrus the Great, Messiah, God's anointed one. (Isaiah 45:1)
Those who return to control the land of Israel would remain well connected to the peoples back in Persia, and to the former Babylon. For the Persians to control the new lands of both Egypt and Babylon the Jews are the perfect answer, they are back doing what they know best, the middlemen, administrators, and protectors between power and servitude.
The king of Persia, Cyrus, is now Israel's first messiah, he sets the stage to rebuild the temple (Ezra 1-6), and places the house of David back in control.
(535 to 516 rebuilding of the temple)
Of course the Greeks and Macedonians, who are the arch enemies of the Persians, hate this.
The Israelites taken to Babylon weren’t just any Israelites, they were the ones who knew the truth. Likely part of the Egyptian upper class, they came from a tradition where the ruling elite intermarried and maintained power through controlling the masses with a "reality" only they could shape. After 50 years in Babylon, they had become well-established. About 10% returned to reclaim their kingdom and reestablish control over the nation of Israel.
Pause for a moment and feel the times these were. It is around 500 B.C. that Rome was founded. Pythagoras is in Egypt learning their mysteries and mathematics. Greece is a people that comes in and out of Persian control. Macedonia, where Alexander the Great will come from, were barbarians, and would have been the troops on the front lines of the Greco-Persian wars. 150 years after Pythagoras, Socrates will come to Greece from Persia to teach, and the Jews have begun to write the Babylonian Talmud.
The known world of this time is tyrannical, everyone is a subject or a slave, only in Greece will a few men have some rudimentary form of democracy. For the rest of the world - to not be a slave meant you were not part of civilization, and your children would starve from time to time. To be a slave meant you would worship your master, and participate in the benefits of the kingdom. People want to be good slaves, this is why Moses has a hard time keeping the Israelites from going back to Egypt.
Few could read, and even less studied anything. Scholars would study only within secret societies. Reading or writing was rare, even Socrates disapproved of writing because it made for poor memory. As today, most people simply believed what they were told, and that is how people were governed, through belief enforced by hunger and ignorance.
Secret societies, and priesthoods would be careful who they educated, the truth was a guarded secret, the majority were given carefully constructed stories about reality and its gods. The Druids, the Magi, the Pythagoreans, the cult of Dionysus, Mithraism, and so on, these all were very exclusive secret societies.
With the Pharisees put in place in Israel, the Persians could now rule Egypt through the Israelites, and now have a military force to protect its economic interests. The slaves in Egypt would be ruled by the priesthood and their Pharaoh, and the Israelites would defend the borders, once again all as it should be.
Remember that all this came about because of climate change. Populations are still growing in the north, people are still migrating south.
At this point in our history, continued population increase will fuel migrations from the North, and the building of city states in Italy and Greece. These migrations will fuel the sociological clash between hunters-gatherers, and established river based civilizations. They would come and live on the fringes… They are Barbarians to the Greeks and the sea people to the Egyptians. The people from the colder North that had migrated south are now building states in the north, in places like Macedonia and Villanova. These areas would be the perfect place for them to settle and trade between the northern settlements and the well established Persian Empire. The climate has warmed, their populations culturally stabilized and began to grow and prosper.
Macedonia, the Barbarians
From north of Greece, in Macedonia, would come Alexander the Great. In 325 BC his armies would conquer first Egypt, and then Persia.
In Egypt, Alexander fights in Tyre but is welcomed by the Israelites in Jerusalem. He is told that Daniel's prophecy had told of a mighty Greek king that would subdue and conquer the Persian Empire.
Alexander then enters Egypt and is welcomed. He is called the new "master of the Universe" and son of the deity of Amun at the Oracle of Siwa Oasis.
Now why would that be? Why would he fight against Tyre but then be welcomed by the Israelites, and then made God by the Egyptians?
The Phoenician city of Tyre, were founded by and is an ally of Carthage. The Phoenicians were a loose confederation of sea people that traded throughout the Mediterranean. These were independent states, and would have been the commercial adversary of Egypt, Greece, and Persia.
At this point in history, the Israelites would have been the police or army that is governing Egypt for the Persians, they would now do the same for the Greeks.
The Persians were the people of the prophet Zarathustra, of the one God Ahura Mazda. The Israelites also believe in one God, but that is not to say that their Kings believe in the same God. If all this appears strange to you, think of America, we think ourselves a Christian nation, yet we know our better educated rulers belong to secret societies, who may already know this story I am telling, and not be very Christian or Jewish. Power is pragmatic, religion is for the masses, religion is a theology manipulated by a priest class in favor of a ruling class.
To the Egyptian and Greek Religion, there would be no greater sin than to ignore the many deities of Egypt and Greece.
Alexander the Great is polytheistic, he is of the cult of Dionysus. For the Greeks, the God's and religious traditions of the Egyptians are much more akin to them, than those of the Persians and Israelites. When Alexander enters Egypt he would be seen as a liberator, they would be free of Persian rule. The Egyptian priest class and religion is once again whole, for the Greeks have relatively the same Gods. Of course Alexander is the new hero, and he will be made a God for the occasion.
From 305/304 BC Egypt will be considered Ptolemaic Egypt, during which time Egypt became a thriving bastion of Hellenistic civilization. Until the time of Christ all the Egyptian Pharaohs will be Macedonian kings. For over 300 years, Egypt's ruling class will be predominantly Greek, culminating with the final Pharaoh, Cleopatra, or more precisely, her son Caesarian, whose fate will intertwine with the narrative of Jesus Christ later on.
Since all people in Egypt at this time are slaves and know only what they are told, things go back to normal. The Egyptian priesthood will support the new Greek-Macedonian rulers, the Kings of Judah will govern their people and profit from them under Greek Macedonian rule and the Pharisees will continue to reinforce belief to the Israelite's. The Priests of the Pharaoh continue to reinforce belief to their slaves in Egypt. The warrior class of the Hebrew once again live in peace with the slave class of the Egyptians, all under the World rule of the Greeks.
By the first century, Alexandria in Egypt had one of the largest Jewish populations in the world, second only to Jerusalem. Alexandria, was the capital of Egypt and a major center of trade and culture in the ancient world, this large Jewish community was well-integrated into the city's culture and was highly influential, with a thriving intellectual and religious life, including the creation of the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible). This diaspora community played a key role in the spread of Jewish thought and Hellenistic culture. The Jews had finally returned to Egypt.
The Macedonians, the once barbarians have done well for themselves. Greek culture and language will dominate the known world up to the time of Christ.
(5)- Greece and Rome
Western Civilization is thought to have Greek and Latin origins, yet there may be more Persian in us than we credit. Cyrus the Great rebuilt the Jewish Temple and kick started the Old Testament, the Apocalypse, the battle between Good and Evil were Persian Zoroastrian concepts way before they were Christian. Even the concept of the Germanic people as “The Aryan Race” stems from the pseudo-scientific linguistic and historical connection to Persia. This said, Europe may not have come from Eden as it is more rooted in the Greek and Persian civilizations and their traditions.
Macedonia was a land to the north of Greece and Villanova was a land to the north of Italy. Macedonia would evolve into the Greeks of Alexander the Great, and Villanova would become the Rome of Julius Caesar.
The real power of Rome would be their Republic, built from the democratic or republican concepts inherited from the Greeks. Their soldier citizens could participate in their government, which is unlike the kingdoms they will defeat, whose armies are mostly composed of paid mercenaries, or slaves.
A sense of freedom is the best incentive for a soldier to fight for their nation state. It was a belief in freedom that formed Israel, the Roman republic, and now is integral to the power of the United States.
From the time of Alexander the Great, till about the year 100 B.C. the world was divided between the Greeks in the East, the Romans in the Middle, and the Carthaginians to the West.
The slaves in Egypt, just as all slaves, would be controlled through ignorance and propaganda. Each time a new Pharaoh came into power, the slaves would be told of the fantastic miracles performed, and great battles with non-existent people. This was the task of the Priests, they would provide public relations in support of the ruling class, regardless of who they may be. The Persian, Greek, and Egyptian upper classes all would enjoy the fruits of the labor of their slaves.
Since knowledge is power, those who know rule over those that do not know. Slaves will not revolt because the concept is inconceivable, within a properly operated slave culture, the only problems that can arise are ones where one aristocratic family member decides to take power from another.
After the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great in 332 BC, the new Egyptian Pharaohs would be Macedonians. Although we call them Greeks, Alexander was a Macedonian, his father had, for the most part, ended democracy, and did not hold any democratic values, in fact everyone of any authority considered democracy absurd.
The generals who were left behind by Alexander the Great would rule a vast Greek Empire. The slaves of Egypt and Persia need to know only what they are told. The Israelites need to know only what the Pharisees will tell them. No one but those who rule would need to know the truth about anything.
In these times news does not travel well, no newspapers, very few could read for that matter, and what you will read are stories, and propaganda. In these times people were deep in that cave that Plato spoke of. Even if someone were to tell people the truth, they would reject it as heresy, and kill them.
This is the period within which the civilization in Villanova will be assimilated by the Romans, and Rome will begin to form.
With regards to the story of the foundation of Rome, it is the legend of two brothers brought up as savages by a wolf, where one kills the other over jealousy, which is somewhat reminiscent of Cain and Abel. Interestingly these roots of nations based on the killing of your brother, establish or foretell a pattern for western civilization.
Philistines, Phoenicians and Carthaginians
To understand the formation of Rome you must understand the "sea peoples" or Phoenicians. The "sea peoples" is a term used by the Egyptians for a people that have come from the sea to raid Egypt.
The Minoan civilization predates this period, and is sometimes considered Europe's first civilization. Some say this civilization is what is described by the legend of Atlantis, and what would later evolve into the Phoenicians.
The Phoenicians were a loose alliance of maritime cities that traded throughout the Mediterranean. They had made the Mediterranean sea their empire, and were in direct competition with early Rome.
The Phoenician port city of Tyre is located just north of Canaan, and flexed its control of Canaan prior to the Israelite move to the area. The Phoenicians were sea people; they traded with Canaan, their city-state was Tyre, and was central for trading to and from the many port cities of the Mediterranean sea.
The Carthaginians are west of Egypt and controlled lands in north Africa and Spain. These people traded and ruled the coastal areas from well protected port cities throughout the Mediterranean sea.
For any people attempting to dominate the Italian peninsula the Carthaginians would be the principal competition.
The Punic Wars, also called the Carthaginian Wars (264–146 BCE), were a series of wars between the Roman Republic and Carthage for control over the Western Mediterranean. Rome will eventually destroy Carthage, as well as take the Mediterranean sea for their own.
The Israelites as well as the Egyptians were land warriors, the Phoenicians on the other hand were sea warriors. The Phoenician port city of Tyre dates back to 2700 BC. It is believed that these are the same people that founded Carthage. Carthage and Tyre must have also been associated to the Minoan island states of the Aegean Sea. This would make the Phoenicians a civilization in itself, "sea peoples," connected to the legend of the lost kingdom of Atlantis.
In 332 BC Alexander the Great’s conquest of Egypt had its battles in Palestine, and particularly against Tyre, an extremely fortified port city with 150 foot walls. The Roman conquest and consolidation of the Italian peninsula was made possible by the Greek conquest of Tyre, as it would have been a key trading partner of Carthage.
The Carthagenians had control of the western Mediterranean. Once Tyre is taken by Alexander, the Carthagenians will make all efforts to regain the Eastern trading alliances the Greeks have taken from them. Carthage and the Phoenician alliance in the Mediterranean will find itself in conflict with Greek, and then later Roman interests.
At the time of Alexander the Great, the Romans were forming their Republic, battling for control of the city of Rome and eventually the Italian peninsula. They are an association of farmers and traders taking lands for defense and personal gain. Their Republic was composed of individuals who could rise according to their value. Early in Rome's career it took dominion of the Etruscans to the North, then began to attack their neighbors eventually taking full control of the Italian Peninsula.
Rome will begin to gain possessions in Europe, Macedonia, Persia, defeat the Carthaginians, and finally subdue Egypt and Israel. By the end of the first century C. E. Rome will have taken control of most of the territories of the Greek world. Two new Roman religions will come to dominate this new empire, Mithraism and Christianity.
This timeline leads us to the Rome of Julius Caesar and what will be known as the Roman Empire.
212 BC Syracuse or Sicily, once a Carthaginian stronghold, falls to Rome
197 BC Macedonia, the former home of Alexander the Great, became a Roman province.
190 BC The Greek Seleucid rulers of Persia were defeated by the Romans.
The Carthaginians almost ended Rome. Under Hannibal in about 200 BC they invaded Rome by taking troops and elephants from Spain and coming into Rome from the Alps.
Finally in 146 BC the Romans sacked and completely destroyed the city of Carthage.
This unleashes the Romans onto the rest of the known world, and sets the stage for Christianity, and the future Roman Catholic Church.
By 100 BC, Rome has taken control of more and more of the territory throughout the Mediterranean region, setting the stage for the birth and life of Julius Caesar.
The very battle hardened armies of Rome are running out of lands to conquer, eventually they will have only themselves to fight for control of the known world.
Egypt is a land of slaves which can be easy to conquer, but to control Egypt is a separate issue, for its neighbor Israel, has a population of free people who believe God gave them their land, and they will fight to protect the Greek status quo.
Rome is becoming more powerful than the previous Greek empire, and its problems are now internal. To answer the question of, “who will govern Rome?”, a family feud of global proportions will ensue.
As we approach year “one”, two Gods Caesar and Cleopatra have either been killed, or committed suicide, Persia, and Egypt, and Judea are in the hands of Rome, and more particularly have become the personal property of Augustus Caesar, the grand nephew of Julius Caesar, who is also known as Octavian.
Julius Caesar
The world we know today, and the way we understand Christianity strangely pivots on the actions of one man, Julius Caesar..
Rome, having fought their way from Villanova 500 years prior and now with an army that stretches from Spain to Persia, will begin to fight among themselves for power.
In 50 BC Julius Caesar was heading to Rome to fight a civil war. His troops come from the north, and are a popular representative power base that will come to fight his rival Pompey who represents the established aristocracy that wish to stop the expansion of the republic.
Optimates, led by Pompey... Were dedicated to keeping power in the hands of noble families and wished to limit the republic.
Populares, Led by Julius Caesar... Are a Roman aristocracy that relies on citizen and popular support for political power, the spread of mild democracy, if you will.
As Caesar crosses the Rubicon and enters Rome, Pompey and his armies sail to Epirus. Epirus is where the oldest Hellenic oracle is, where Alexander the Great’s mother came from. A region that Aristotle considered to have been the most ancient part of Greece and where the Hellenes originated.
Stop and think about this for one moment. These men have gone to the most holy ground they know to fight the last battle of a long civil war. They are fighting in Greece, the land that gave them their Gods. This would be similar to us fighting a world war in Israel, certainly not inconceivable.
In 48 BC at Epirus, Caesar defeated Pompey. Caesar is now appointed dictator, with Mark Antony as second in command.
Pompey and his remaining forces go to Egypt where there is an ongoing civil war between Cleopatra VII and her brother Ptolemy XIII. Pompey goes to Ptolemy XIII for protection, but is murdered by him instead.
Caesar comes to Egypt to deal with Pompey's remaining forces, and is disgusted by the murder of his rival Pompey. He sides with Cleopatra in a civil war against her brother Ptolemy XIII. Successful, he then installs Cleopatra as Queen, and has a child with her, born in 47 BC, only one year after his battle with Pompey.
Caesar has just defeated his rivals for control of Rome. He has won battles, but has not taken control of the economies that the wealthy families of his political rivals, the Optimates, control. He must pay his soldiers, and keep the economy going. Cleopatra is the wealthiest person in the world, she is the Nile river and the source of grain for his troops. With Cleopatra, Caesar has built favored alliances with both Egypt, Israel and the Greek states of Persia, and developed a policy to unite in peace the known world. This is possibly the most remarkable moment in all of human history, a Roman new world order is envisioned.
With this child and his alliances within the Greek order, Caesar can pay his troops and have greater control over the Greek world. With his new family, this child will become the next ruler of not only Rome but Egypt as well. This will cause the Roman senate to fear this dictator, and seed the end of their Republic.
This family of Cleopatra and Caesar is now the law of two religions, the Roman and the Egyptian, and their child will inherit the known world as a God.
February 15, 44 BC Mark Antony placed a crown on Caesar's head, Caesar was then assassinated on March 15, by a group of senators.
Cleopatra - At the time of the assassination of Julius Caesar, had lived for two years in Rome, from the summer of 46 B.C., with their son Caesareon. They would leave immediately after the death of Caesar for Egypt. In Rome, Mark Antony, Caesar’s second in command, will try to restore order. Mark Antony will join forces with Octavian, the adopted son of Caesar, and to seal the bond he will marry Octavian's sister Octavia.
October of 41 BC Mark Antony meets with Cleopatra in Tarsus, this infamous relation will eventually bear three children. Cleopatra will have four children, one with Julius Caesar and three more with Mark Antony.
Please note Mark Anthony and Cleopatra are in Tarsus, which is where the Apostle Paul is from, this is a central economic region of the Greek power base, a strong ally of Egypt, and of the Hellenized Jewish people.
September of 40 BC Mark Antony married Octavian's sister, left her pregnant and returned to Egypt to get support from Cleopatra in his battle with his brother-in-law, Octavian.
This World War is all about something very personal, a sorted family matter in which the richest people in the world, who consider themselves Godlike, conspire and kill each other to see who will end up with all the loot.
Capturing Jerusalem in 37 BC, Mark Antony installs Herod as a puppet king of Judea.
In 34 BC, Caesarian, the son of Caesar and Cleopatra, then thirteen years of age, was formally made " King of Kings,” by Antony and Cleopatra.
A battle would ensue over these divisions within Rome, in 31 BC, with Cleopatra backing Mark Antony. Mark Antony and Octavian would confront each other in Actium, on the east coast of Greece. The battle is here because these are the front lines between Rome, and what was once the Greek empire. Cleopatra who was in fact a Greek Macedonian Queen would be there in person along with Mark Antony. As the battle goes poorly for Antony and Cleopatra, they abandon the battle and sail to Egypt.
August 1, 30 BC, Octavian is in Egypt, and takes the city of Alexandria. Recognizing their defeat, First Mark Antony takes his life, and then Cleopatra commits suicide on August 12, 30 BC.
Some historians will say that she tried to send her son Caesareon to India via the Red Sea. Octavian would say he had killed him and as they say "there can not be two Caesars"
Years earlier in 63 BC Julius Caesar had been declared "Pontifex Maximus", making him the administrator of Jus Divinum or divine law, for life. It is important to consider that Octavian in 31 BC, following his defeat of Mark Antony and Cleopatra, as the adoptive son of Julius Caesar, assumed the title of Divi Filius (Son of God), and renamed himself to Augustus "first citizen" Caesar. A family that will later be the personification of the divine right of Kings, becoming the title of Kaisers and Czars of our western culture.
Augustus would mark the end of the Roman Republic, and the beginning of the dominance of Rome which will form the western culture we find in Europe and the United States today.
Augustus is not the only individual that will claim Divi Filius or the "Son of a God," title. Jesus Christ becomes a direct challenger to Augustus, for he is also to be called son of God. This all while the actual son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra - the missing Pharaoh and God, Caesarian, will be forgotten, or assume a new identity.
The Roman Republic will end along with the hopes of the republic. The followers of Julius Caesar who had hoped to establish a union between east and west, have lost their battle. This point is argued in light of the fact that although Julius Caesar became a dictator, his troops, as well as most of the Senate, was loyal to him and expected representation in a new government.
This moment also marks the end of both the Hellenistic(Greek) Age and the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt.
The Pharaoh Gods and the priests of the Egyptians will end, the new order is now Roman, and its divine leader is Augustus Caesar.
These are the political and religious events that bring us Christianity, and knowing these events will give a greater appreciation of the coming Christ. If we would like to understand Christianity and today's Church, it would be wise to carefully look into these historical events first.