Gershom Scholem: Kabbalah and Counter-History. by David Biale.

Biale points out that Scholem has a leaning toward Jungianism, having been influenced by Erich Neumann and the Eranos circle. It may be that both the strength and the weakness of Scholem’s position derive from the Jungian influence. Jung, in his individual psychology, saw the conscious and unconscious forces of the mind as “compensating” for each other: when rationality increases to the degree that it endangers the vitality of the psyche, a compensatory development of irrational myth takes place in the unconscious.
Scholem’s model implies that the substratum of the Jewish religion, in its past and future development, is the Jewish national organism. He is, after all, a member of the Volksgeist school, though in a more comprehensive way than Buber or the other “romantics.” Scholem sees the Jewish spirit as an entity developing in time, with its own unique character and principles of growth, which can be grasped only by close historical and textual study, without subjective constructions or arbitrary selection. But it is outside Scholem’s frame of reference to see the Jewish people as a vehicle for a truth greater than and beyond their national existence. Judaism is merely the historically individual working-out of elements that exist in every culture. Hence in Scholem’s thought the rational and irrational forces remain balanced against each other without achieving any significant unity. The aim is equilibrium rather than truth: the machine is powered and cooled and achieves locomotion, but its destination does not matter. To ask what it is for is irrelevant, just as it would be irrelevant to ask what some species of animal is for. It is there in order to be. This is the real meaning of Scholem’s “anarchism.”