18 Commandments of Sabbatai Zevi

From... https://dibrathizoharim.home.blog/2020/07/30/18-commandments-of-sabbatai...

18 Commandments of Sabbatai Zevi

These are the eighteen commandments of our master, our king, our Messiah, his majesty Sabbatai Zevi:

1. The first is that one be careful to keep the faith in God, Who is one and unique, and outside of Whom there is no god. Do not elevate anyone else, nor any judge outside of Him.

2. The second is that one believe in His Messiah, who is the true Messiah. There is no savior beside him, our master, our king, his majesty Shabbetai Tzvi, who descends from the House of David.

3. The third is that one not swear falsely in the name of God and His Messiah, because His masters name is in him; and that one not profane it.

4. The fourth is that one honor the name of God and that one honor also the name of Messiah, when one mentions it. Also, that one honor someone who is greater than his friend in knowledge.

5. The fifth is that they come together in reunions in order to discuss and study the secret of the Messiah.

6. The sixth is that there not be found among them (Sabbatians) murderers, even to kill people of other nations, even though they detest them (Sabbatians).

7. The seventh is that the day of the sixteenth of Kislev all reunite in a home and each tell his companion that which he understood of the mystery of the faith of the Messiah.

8. The eighth is that zenut (fornication) not prevail among them. Even though it is a precept of the World of Beriah, one must nevertheless take precaution because of the ladrones (thieves).

9. The ninth is that one not give false testimony, that one not speak falsehood to his companion, and that one not intrigue, even against nonbelievers (non-Sabbatians).

10. The tenth is that it is not permitted to introduce someone by force into the faith of the turban (that is Islam), even if that person believes, because he who belongs to the group of the masters of war (Donmeh), enters therein with a full heart and by the will of the soul, without oness (constraint) of any fashion.

11. The eleventh is that there be among them no envious persons, that they not covet that which does not belong to them.

12. The twelfth is that one celebrate with great joy the holiday of the sixteenth of the month of Kislev.

13. The thirteenth is that they do hesed (mutual assistance) for one another and that one force oneself to do ones companions will as ones own will.

14. The fourteenth is that one secretly read Psalms every day.

15. The fifteenth is that one watch every month the birth of the (new) moon and that one pray that the moon turn its face to the sun, and that they (that is, sun and moon) look at one another face to face.

16. The sixteenth is that one pay attention to the customs of the Turks in order to throw powder in their eyes. And for the fast of Ramazan, that they (that is, the Donmeh) not be embarrassed to do it; the same goes for the sacrifice. Everything that the eye sees, must be done.

17. The seventeenth is that they not marry them (Muslims).

18. The eighteenth is that they take care to circumcise their sons, to remove the opprobrium of the holy people (that is, the foreskin).