

 "Legio," Latin for "a gathered body of soldiers," relates to "Re-legion," meaning to re-gather such a body. Religion can thus be crafted to serve political causes and inspire revolution. Rome tolerated many religions but persecuted Christians, especially under Nero, who blamed them for the Great Fire of Rome. Nero, the last Julian Caesar, saw Christianity as a political threat aiding his rivals. In 69 AD, the Flavians replaced the Julians as the new Caesars. By 325 AD, Neo-Flavian Caesar Constantine established the Catholic Church, solidifying Christianity’s role as a revolutionary force. In 410 AD, Arian Christian Visigoths sacked Rome, marking the beginning of the Dark Ages. 388


Society behaves according to what its individuals believe, and religion is what we use to teach a belief to the society we live in. In general people are both proud and ignorant, do not question reality, nor discern the truth from experience, still they will fight for what they believe, regardless if it is correct or not. A population can be easily manipulated, a trick that is well known by those in power and has been the purpose of religion ever since the word religion was first uttered. We are more affected by what others believe than by our own independent search for understanding. Since religion shapes the people who surround us, and in turn they shape us, we must make certain that religion be truthful as well as beneficial. Encouraging students and congregations to question established dogmas could then transform religion into a truth-seeking process, dedicated to cultivating a more functional and enlightened community. 353 BB-1-3


DID YOU KNOW That Nero was the final Roman emperor of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, reigning from 54 AD until his death in 68 AD Tradition holds that the Apostle Paul was beheaded in Rome around 65 AD, his death was part of the executions of Christians ordered by Nero following the great fire of Rome, who he blamed the Christians for starting. Critical to understanding Roman Christianity should be that the Dynasty of the Julio-Claudians will end, and the following year Vespasian will become Roman Emperor, establishing the new Flavian Dynasty, then in 325 AD, Constantine, a Neo-Flavian will declare "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES," connive the Council of Nicea and make Christianity the religion of the land. Were Jewish-Christian elements co-conspirators with the Flavian's to take over the Roman Empire? Do you mind if I ask you to subscribe, that will help a lot with this channel. thanks 374


History is a set of lies agreed upon.' Napoleon (maybe) Nero was the final Roman emperor of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, reigning from 54 until his death in 68 AD and the final emperor of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty. Tradition holds that the Apostle Paul was beheaded in Rome around 65 AD, with his death as part of the executions of Christians ordered by Nero following the great fire of Rome, who he blamed the Christians for starting. Critical to understanding Roman Christianity should be that the Dynasty of the Julio-Claudians will end, and that the following year Vespasian will become Roman Emperor, establishing the new Flavian Dynasty, then in 325 AD, Constantine, a Neo-Flavian will declare "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES," bring together the Council of Nicea and make Christianity the religion of the land. Were Jewish-Christian elements coconspirators in the Flavian takeover of the Roman Empire? 374

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