An important motivation for the creation of the Roman Catholic Church was the concept,  "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES," which is  Latin for, "by this sign conquer."   Zoroastrianism, was the principal Persian religion, it had a single creator God, and featured a cosmology of good and evil, predicting the ultimate destruction of evil in a final battle. This is the Book of Revelation, which was included in the New Testament canon by the Council of Hippo and the Council of Carthage in the fourth century. Added by the Roman State in Constantinople, for the purpose of expanding and better dominating Persian territories. Rome had no problem with killing you, and then taking your land, genocide was business as usual, just like Gaza today, Do Christians know the Book of Revelation comes from the people of Iran, a people who we now wish to eliminate because they oppose the theft and genocide of Gaza. What side of this battle do you think a Christian should take?  389 BB-10

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