
Replace Greed with Charity

"Charity is the great channel," it has been well said, "through which God passes all His mercy upon mankind. For we receive absolution of our sins in proportion to our forgiving our brother. This is the rule of our hopes and the measure of our desire in this world; and on the day of death and judgment, the great sentence upon mankind shall be transacted according to our alms, which is the other part of charity. God himself is love; and very degree of charity that dwells in us is the participation of the divine nature."

Morals and Dogma  VIII Intendant of the Building 

Adam Smith failed to notice that self interest is not the only possible motivator of economic systems. 

The first studies of economics must have been much earlier than our history tells us. The obvious importance of the subject should have caused thinkers of the ages to explain this topic in more detail than what we can see today. We find some banking laws in Deuteronomy  but there is little more said on the subject over these many years.


Why is the gap between the rich and the poor getting wider?

There are 200 trillion possible ways to sort thirty (distinguishable) balls into three urns. Of those, only 5.5 trillion ways place exactly ten balls in each urn. The vast majority of distributions will contain some kind of inequality. Don't believe me? Think of three random numbers. What are the odds that an average person would instantly think of three identical ones?

On a macro scale, wealth inequality exists because it is much more likely for a random distribution to partition a fixed sum of resources between its recipients in a heavily unequal manner.


Truth, Education, Transparency and Rational Economics.

The structure of a society is in it's economics. Current economic systems are based on covet and avarice behavior, pitting one person against the other in competition. 

Economics is an everyday occurrence, we allocate time and effort to get the things we need, and the functions of these acts are measured through economics.  Within the free market capitalist system that currently dominates our civilization, the worst elements of the human condition are used to grow our economy. Greed, vanity, gluttony are the motive forces of the current system, based on competition, forcing every participant in a struggle of survival of the fittest,  we encourage and applaud this absurdity.
Communism is worse, a command system forced on people by an oppressive government.
What we call competition is a simple adaptation of the system provided to us by nature. Therefore a free market society will behave as animals would naturally in the wild. Sexual motivation leaves animals no other choice but to compete with one another, to cripple or kill the other if need be. In theory humans have free will, creativity, and an intellect, there is no reason why we could not think and escape the primitive demands of nature that give rise to our unfortunate social condition. 
In order to improve the human condition we must find a way of manipulating the competitive nature within us, to maintain a free market, yet limit the aggressive dog eat dog nature that is within us. We can convert the economic motive force from competition to collaboration, and this can be done through collaborative economic behavior which is transparent to all involved. Through transparency of behavior we can limit the aggressive nature of competition, and produce an algorithm that provides equal justice within the economic marketplace.        
The solution is found in new technologies, similar to this wiki. Technology that provides a mechanism for open collaborative management of economic systems.
Free market capitalism, corporations whose investors operate within an open collaborative framework dedicated to the task of social benefit, as well as profit.


Roger Backhouse BBC Economics

What's puzzling is that morality so often comes thumping into it - when the subject has been taught for generations as if morality was someone else's job.

The economic historian Roger Backhouse says there was an historic split from "normative economics" - what we should do - to "positive economics" - the description of what we do in fact.

Some seem to blame this approach for the crash, implying that it somehow separated economic ideas from what people really are. Off goes the money into some virtual world that's nothing to do with me, back comes profit. So goes the parody.

An interesting question is whether this intellectual divorce might change in the light of the global economic mess of the last few years, in which much of the anger has been righteous. At least one leading economist, John Kay, thinks we should go back to talking about political economy, instead of economics, to show that moral values are still inescapably in there.

Article : Arithmomorphism and Economics

Published in 1991, represents a wide-ranging inquiry into the general field of structural economic analysis and provides a thorough appraisal of the method of economic dynamics. It comprises nine original essays by distinguished scholars, all of which assess different aspects of the concept of economic structure. The analytical contribution of the volume is to draw attention to the relationship between 'horizontal' and 'vertical' treatments of economic structure that have characterized economic theory. 

Shared Economics , A World of Possibilities


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