

Rome established Christianity as a state religion in the Fourth Century. It was carefully crafted to govern the population of the Empire, and the Catholic Church would evolve to dominate European civilization. By the time we get to the medieval period, “religion” became deeply intertwined with daily life, with no distinction between religious, social, and political activities. The concept of “religion” as we understand it today is relatively recent, emerging only after the Protestant Reformation had effectively separated the Church from the State. Before this period, the idea of “religion” as a distinct category separate from other aspects of life did not really exist. In fact, many ancient languages, including Latin, Hebrew, and Greek, lacked a specific word equivalent to the modern term “religion.” Instead, they used terms that referred to practices, rituals, or duties. 412


Schopenhauer paraphrased: The contrast between the Greek and the Christian idea of death is strikingly presented on an antique Greek sarcophagus, which exhibits in relief, a series of ceremonies from attending a wedding, to the evening when a torch lights the happy couple home. Compare with that the Christian coffin, draped in mournful black and surmounted with a crucifix! The significance of these two ways of finding comfort in death lies in their opposition to each other, but each is right. The one points to the affirmation of the will to live, certain of life for all time, however rapidly its forms may change. The other, in the symbol of suffering and death, points to the denial of the will to live, to redemption from this world, the domain of death and devil. Between the affirmation and the denial of the will to live, Christianity is in the last resort right. 410


 "Legio," Latin for "a gathered body of soldiers," relates to "Re-legion," meaning to re-gather such a body. Religion can thus be crafted to serve political causes and inspire revolution. Rome tolerated many religions but persecuted Christians, especially under Nero, who blamed them for the Great Fire of Rome. Nero, the last Julian Caesar, saw Christianity as a political threat aiding his rivals. In 69 AD, the Flavians replaced the Julians as the new Caesars. By 325 AD, Neo-Flavian Caesar Constantine established the Catholic Church, solidifying Christianity’s role as a revolutionary force. In 410 AD, Arian Christian Visigoths sacked Rome, marking the beginning of the Dark Ages. 388


"You shall make no idols." This commandment is reiterated in a different form in the New Testament: "God, who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands." — Acts 17:24 God resides only within the relationship between your soul and its quest to know Him. It is through this personal connection that you will discover the divine nature you seek. Yet, religions often rely on physical symbols to entice its congregation, appealing to our fears and desires. A visit to any cathedral reveals how far we’ve strayed from this commandment. Jewish talismans and amulets, meant to ward off evil and sickness, are common, alongside countless statues and relics used by the Church. Religion serves as psychological and political control for the masses, with idols as the props of its propaganda. 407


"There is only one Unknowable God—understood through what is Good." God is approached by grasping the concept of the Good, guiding us toward wisdom and the pursuit of a life lived harmoniously in Christ. God does not command us to be wise, yet those who remain in ignorance often endure lives filled with hardship. Little can be truly known of an Unknowable God, beyond what is evident. However, God requires us to evolve from youthful innocence into wise, mature souls. Though many fall short, this journey brings us closer to the Divine. We are not born with wisdom or intelligence; we develop these qualities through experience. Along the way, we may believe in many falsehoods. Yet, intelligence and wisdom are earned through honesty, time, and effort. This is the purpose of life, as it is the only path to understanding ourselves and, in part, God. 406


"There is only one Unknowable God—understood through what is Good." God is approached by grasping the concept of the Good, guiding us toward wisdom and the pursuit of a life lived harmoniously in Christ. God does not command us to be wise, yet those who remain in ignorance often endure lives filled with hardship. Little can be truly known of an Unknowable God, beyond what is evident. However, God requires us to evolve from youthful innocence into wise, mature souls. Though many fall short, this journey brings us closer to the Divine. We are not born with wisdom or intelligence; we develop these qualities through experience. Along the way, we may believe in many falsehoods. Yet, intelligence and wisdom are earned through honesty, time, and effort. This is the purpose of life, as it is the only path to understanding ourselves and, in part, God. 406


Society behaves according to what its individuals believe, and religion is what we use to teach a belief to the society we live in. In general people are both proud and ignorant, do not question reality, nor discern the truth from experience, still they will fight for what they believe, regardless if it is correct or not. A population can be easily manipulated, a trick that is well known by those in power and has been the purpose of religion ever since the word religion was first uttered. We are more affected by what others believe than by our own independent search for understanding. Since religion shapes the people who surround us, and in turn they shape us, we must make certain that religion be truthful as well as beneficial. Encouraging students and congregations to question established dogmas could then transform religion into a truth-seeking process, dedicated to cultivating a more functional and enlightened community. 353 BB-1-3


DID YOU KNOW: That according to Hebrews 7:1, Jesus is a priest of the order of Melchizedek because, Jesus was not a descendant of Aaron, and thus would not qualify for the Jewish priesthood under the Law of Moses. Melchizedek, literally means “king of righteousness,” and he rules over the city of Salem or “shalom,” a cosmic, harmonious peace. He makes his first appearance after Abram wins his first battle, Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And praise be to God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand.” Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything. This is why we Tithe, Priests are above Kings, and the Church is a war profiteer. May I ask you please subscribe as that would help my channel, thanks 403


DID YOU KNOW That Nero was the final Roman emperor of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, reigning from 54 AD until his death in 68 AD Tradition holds that the Apostle Paul was beheaded in Rome around 65 AD, his death was part of the executions of Christians ordered by Nero following the great fire of Rome, who he blamed the Christians for starting. Critical to understanding Roman Christianity should be that the Dynasty of the Julio-Claudians will end, and the following year Vespasian will become Roman Emperor, establishing the new Flavian Dynasty, then in 325 AD, Constantine, a Neo-Flavian will declare "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES," connive the Council of Nicea and make Christianity the religion of the land. Were Jewish-Christian elements co-conspirators with the Flavian's to take over the Roman Empire? Do you mind if I ask you to subscribe, that will help a lot with this channel. thanks 374


“I love him who labors and invents, that he may build the house for the Superman, and prepare for him earth, animal, and plant: for thus seeks he his own down-going.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra Nietzche sees Christianity and its moral laws, as what is given to that part of our society which serves the Superclass of men who rule. He has simply re-stated the justice of the strong, a concept of justice for those who know the path forward, and make it their will at any cost, certainly not how the Equal Justice of a Democracy should work. Nietzsche’s suggestion is quite functional and works well as long as the lower class does not get wise, and revolt. It does have an enormous, obvious, and yet a mostly unmentioned flaw.  What is the purpose of any human “will to power”?     Without a defined purpose for existence how can the “will” be defined? For that matter, what is the ultimate point of any activity which the “will” pushes us to do, If I may ask, would you please subscribe as that would help me greatly with this channel -thanks     b-1-5a 402


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