
things that are done now

For want of a nail our nation was lost

The proverbial rhyme that describes how small actions can result in large consequences, has gone forgotten. Maybe through our pride we stand back in our hummers and forget that Rome fell because of want of bread as they too failed to see the strategic importance of control of supply   

For Want of a Nail For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe the horse was lost. For want of a horse the rider was lost. For want of a rider the message was lost. For want of a message the battle was lost. For want of a battle the kingdom was lost. And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

We have run all our production capacity to China and other off shore facilities to the point that today even prized technology manufacturing can not be seen here in America. It is as though a masterful plan to make the United States kill itself through its own pride and ignorance has succeeded.

911 interview

Walter lodge , a broken Church

To me this is a very sad story where everyone looses and there are no winners. The preacher lost a congregation and church where he was generally well liked. His wife lost her neighbors and friends and her projects. His children lost their friends and schoolmates and the stability of their home. The congregation lost a young dynamic preacher that fought for his beliefs (right or wrong). The congregation also lost a few of it's members, even causing a split in a family or two. And, because of the preacher's beliefs, the Masons lost a little standing with a few members. I can think of a lot of ways for a man to prove his foolishness, but taking everything you read in print as the gospel truth because it is in print, has to be one of the most foolish,

Love your enemy

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Tractatus put an end to philosophy in 1921, it was those words that ended that long debate of things that were never understood.

The Kabbalist tradition forms it's incantations from the Alef-Bet, the Socratic dialogs are but words, and the Christian message is the Logos--  we are made of words, and are moved forward by words. A finite set of words is finite, so we too are finite.

What is the point of all the words, incantations, philosophy, or the visions of profits, if we do not function to the forms we profess.      

Evil, is but another word, it has been with us from the beginning of time, also with no real meaning. This word has served as a fine garment for all the pointless acts of stupidity, and petty pride that has taken the fruits that belong to the other.      

Make wars to end wars, we are an absurd bad spcies. All that we wrongly call evil is the product of survival.  When the need for survival is no more, all we have left is the pointless desire to take something that is not ours. Because you are too, stupid, lazy or incompetent to provide for yourself. Because you are too insecure, and need to appear better than the other.      

If all conflicts are because someone wants something you have, simplicity this is the ideal method of conflict resolution.

Create a position of power, and then build an exclusive ideal world everyone wants to take away from you. 

From this position of power, give of yourself and require your enemy to accept your kindness. Spend the same amount of treasuer you would have used  to process war, in order to give a kindness. Send in specialized armed units that educate, and build your ideal worlds. Not financial aid, but people, and boots on the ground providing education, security, and kindness.

Recognize that all that you call evil comes from the fact you do not love the other. We were all made to live under the same God, who are you to judge others, if you fail to understand, love them.   

Lets take the worst case, the sociopath.  

In this individual has no empathy, is not well understood, and is not generally appreciated. They make good butchers, don't they!   The recognition that the medical profession came for the butchers trade will tell you that someone that is less emotionally affected by blood and human death has a valuable role in our land. Also the person that can stand on a hill and kill more people will in fact save the people that would not act in a time of war.

So how do you control the sociopath when there is no war? You recognize the person, and valued then as you would any other. You love what you thought was your enemy.  The sociopath no longer needs to hide, if hidden he would most certainly do you more harm.

Even the the sociopath will guide himself by the recognition that doing good has an economic and social value to him.    

Christianity is the primary wester religion and for the west, war is the result of Christianities failure. 

If given a choice between punishment, jail or war - vs - help, and kindfness, who could say no?    

Justice is the art of convincing people to obey the rules that benefit the rulers

Mormon defense

Utah's first militia was called the Nauvoo Legion after a similar organization in Illinois. Abolished by the Edmunds-Tucker Act in l887, the militia was revived in 1894 as the Utah National Guard. The state established a camp for the guard in 1928, named in honor of Brigadier General W. G. Williams. The guard has participated in aspects of every war since the Spanish-American War, including island-hopping in the Pacific and invading Europe during World War II. Camp Williams also became a sub-post and training site for Fort Douglas during World War II. Prior to the Korean War, the state stationed three Air National Guard units at the Salt Lake Airport.


Not what is said but what is done.
The duality of truth, Ayn Rayn  is true yet there is proof there is a God.
Will to power works if we are compared to amimals. yet we are humans hand are coverned by a differnt standard. 
We both want the same thing.
The reason you could not sleep last night is because this is something most people are not aware of. There has been a large and well orchestrated change in the America we knew. Today we are less free and the republic is almost gone.

Evil Schopenhauer - text - On the Sufferings of the World.

Unless suffering is the direct and immediate object of life, our existence must entirely fail of its aim. It is absurd to look upon the enormous amount of pain that abounds everywhere in the world, and originates in needs and necessities inseparable from life itself, as serving no purpose at all and the result of mere chance. Each separate misfortune, as it comes, seems, no doubt, to be something exceptional; but misfortune in general is the rule.


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