
things that are done now

Kant, Schopenhauer, and the Problem of Evil


Studies In Comparative Philosophy

If Hegel is the philosopher of the Intellect, Schopenhauer is the philosopher of the Will. He takes his start from Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and holds that the thing-in-itself which for Kant was an unknowable noumenon is knowable directly in one's own self as volitional activity. The Will is the thing-in-itself. 


1.  Belief is based only through Jesus Christ, a process that requires the BIble to understand the word of God and a personal relation with Christ to define what is the proper way when faced with contradictions.  
2. Truth, to come as close as possible to what is true 
3. Salvation is made on this earth, although its is not founded in your good deeds, the quality of eternal life is directly related to behavior.

Dead Ends July 30th, 2012

The end of July marks the calm before the political storm. In the United States, the presidential election promises to be rather contentious. Both parties have markedly different versions of what’s wrong and how to go forward. However, hubris might cloud both visions. We might actually be facing dead ends.
In political campaigns, these are the desultory days before the spicket of Super PAC money is opened wide. The torrent of funds whips up enthusiasts while washing away real debate regarding the issues at hand. Both parties seek to persuade voters with what are essentially fallacious arguments. By definition, a fallacy is an emotionally appealing argument that proves nothing. For Republicans, the central fallacy is pragmatism. For Democrats, it’s progressivism. Both however are dead ends.

Ted multi-universe


Literally thousands of examples are extant from the works of Trithemius, Dr. John Dee, Heinrich Agrippa, Kircher, Bruno, and many others, which show the hermetic and kabalistic applications of the Pentagram in ceremonial ritual use.

Chaitin, Digital Philosophy

Gregory Chaitin Lisbon, Portugal, 2004, about digital physics/philosophy, mathematics, mathematical logic, omega number etc.



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