The kingdom of God is in your midst

The Universe


Evolution to Christ

Death is the Proof of a Just, and Good God

Aesthetically, our best choice, the most just, is a good life and a kind death.

Truth is easily buried, yet is distinguished by it's luster as separate as the diamond is from the dung hill.

Where did we get those ten commandments?  

Laws written by the finger of God on tablets of stone, broken by Moses.

Our history evolved from these broken laws, these books so defective and doubtful, that it seams vain to attempt this small inquiry into it's tricks.

There is more knowledge than can ever be read, yet society stands fast to this absurd biblical dogma.  

Set vs Hours, Seth vs Cain

Central names of two creation stories of these religions of neighboring states. As Genesis tells the story, Seth which means “set in place of” Cain, is the replacement of Able. When Seth was 105 years old, his son Enosh was born and from him comes what is sometimes called “the godly line of Seth” that leads to Abraham.

Egyptian theology gives us Set as the usurper who killed and mutilated his own brother Osiris. Isis rebuilds Osiris to give birth to Horus. Set, what is Evil is then in a continuous battle with Horus.

One aspect of this website/book considers the Egyptian creation story and compares this to the formulation of Genesis and Exodus. If the line of  Abraham comes from Set, the Egyptians would make the comparison to Set. Horus would have been victorious in this battle by placing the people of Set/Seth in Canaan as the unknowing defenders of the Egyptian homeland.


Evolution, Biological... Cultural... Singularity

Unless you are a devout creationist,  you understand and accept the basic concepts of evolution, that nature produces biological change over time.

What most of us don't notice is that evolution is an underlying mechanical aspect of our universe which appears to behave like fractals, creating order from the chaotic nature of entropy..


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