

Did you know" That in the early 20th century, some Zionist figures, including Theodor Herzl, considered Argentina as a possible homeland for Jews. Herzl believed that Jews were a nation, not a religious community, and that the only way to end antisemitism was for Jews to leave Europe and establish their own national homeland. Argentina's constitution at the time welcomed European immigration, and it had a Catholic population, two factors which may have influenced Herzl's thinking. However, Herzl eventually concluded that the Jewish masses of Eastern Europe would only support a homeland in the Land of Israel. Instead, many Nazi war criminals and sympathizers fled to Catholic Argentina after World War II to escape prosecution. These escape routes were called "ratlines" and led to havens in the Americas, especially Argentina. Argentina is also the homeland of our beloved Pope Francis. 394


Did you know" That in the early 20th century, some Zionist figures, including Theodor Herzl, considered Argentina as a possible homeland for Jews. Herzl believed that Jews were a nation, not a religious community, and that the only way to end antisemitism was for Jews to leave Europe and establish their own national homeland. Argentina's constitution at the time welcomed European immigration, and it had a Catholic population, two factors which may have influenced Herzl's thinking. However, Herzl eventually concluded that the Jewish masses of Eastern Europe would only support a homeland in the Land of Israel. Instead, many Nazi war criminals and sympathizers fled to Catholic Argentina after World War II to escape prosecution. These escape routes were called "ratlines" and led to havens in the Americas, especially Argentina. 394


Society behaves according to what its individuals believe, and religion is what we use to teach a belief to the society we live in. In general people are both proud and ignorant, do not question reality, nor discern the truth from experience, still they will fight for what they believe, regardless if it is correct or not. A population can be easily manipulated, a trick that is well known by those in power and has been the purpose of religion ever since the word religion was first uttered. We are more affected by what others believe than by our own independent search for understanding. Since religion shapes the people who surround us, and in turn they shape us, we must make certain that religion be truthful as well as beneficial. Encouraging students and congregations to question established dogmas could then transform religion into a truth-seeking process, dedicated to cultivating a more functional and enlightened community. 353 BB-1-3


The Judaeo-Christian religions split society in two. One chosen by God, the other meek, humble, and obedient. The Christian message states that the god of this world is false, yet we are told there is only one God. Were the Gnostics correct, the Creator, the Demiurge, the Great Architect is the God of this world. Listen to the Apostle Paul, "We have renounced all shameful and hidden ways. We do not engage in deception or falsify... By stating the truth in an open manner, we commend ourselves to the conscience of everyone in the sight of God... those unbelievers whose minds have been blinded by the god of this world to prevent them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ" Here lies the problem, rulers will always use "shameful and hidden ways" since that is far more effective than "truth in an open manner," Reality is brutal, unless the dogma changes Israel will always commit genocide, and Christianity will always be the religion of ignorance and servitude. 353


The Old Testament is a war manual, the New Testament tells us to turn the other cheek and love our enemy. God says. "Go now, and attack Amalek. Wipe out everything that belongs to them. Do not spare any of them, kill men and women, children and infants, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys. ” 1 Samuel 15:3 Saul "totally destroyed" the Amalekites, he kept "the best of the sheep and cattle, the fat calves, and lambs and everything that was good. Samuel then hacked the king of the Amalekites to pieces before the Lord. An Old Testament rule called Herem is a mode of rendering harmless anything imperiling the religious life of the nation, the total destruction of the enemy and his goods at the conclusion of a campaign, Genocide is commanded by the Lord of the Old Testament, but is this the God of Christ, Are there two Gods? Were the Gnostics correct to think the Old Testament God was Satan? 391


In 306 AD Constantine the Great, became the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, he decriminalized Christian practices and ceased Christian persecution, in a period referred to as the Constantinian shift.  He had a religeo-political ideology called Constantinianism, which called for the unity of Church and State, in simpler terms a  "state religion".  In 325 AD he called a council in the city of Nicaea, which brought together bishops from all over his Empire to resolve divisive issues and ensure a unified church which met his political necessities.  This gave us the Nicene Creed, and firmly established the Universal Church of Rome. Universal or Catholic because this would unify the many different religions of his Empire, by combining aspects of all, into one. 386


DID YOU KNOW: that in 306 AD Constantine the Great, became the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, he decriminalized Christian practices and stopped its persecution. He had a political ideology called Constantinianism, which called for the unity of Church and State, one single "state religion." Universal or Catholic because it combined the many different religions of his Empire, and thereby solved many political problems. Familiar aspects would be, the Unknowable God and Trinity of the Greek Platonist's, Eternal life of the Egyptians, and many elements from both Roman and Greek religio-philosophy. It would have a Jewish back story and Messiah. One of the largest religions of his Empire was the Persian faith of Zoroaster, their priest were called Magi, the same wise men who followed a star to Bethlehem looking for a newborn king, and why the Book of Revelation was added to the Bible 70 years after the Council of Nicaea. 390


An important motivation for the creation of the Roman Catholic Church was the concept,  "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES," which is  Latin for, "by this sign conquer."   Zoroastrianism, was the principal Persian religion, it had a single creator God, and featured a cosmology of good and evil, predicting the ultimate destruction of evil in a final battle. This is the Book of Revelation, which was included in the New Testament canon by the Council of Hippo and the Council of Carthage in the fourth century. Added by the Roman State in Constantinople, for the purpose of expanding and better dominating Persian territories. Rome had no problem with killing you, and then taking your land, genocide was business as usual, just like Gaza today, Do Christians know the Book of Revelation comes from the people of Iran, a people who we now wish to eliminate because they oppose the theft and genocide of Gaza. What side of this battle do you think a Christian should take?  389 BB-10


At the Battle of Siddim, the first of twenty battles described in the Bible, Abraham starts his profession with a household of three hundred eighteen trained mercenaries. After this battle  Abraham gives tides of 10% to Melchizedek, priest of the God El ʿElyon , King of Jerusalem, and Messiah.  It will be declared that the Jewish priesthood will be forever, in the order of Melchizedek. To the Jewish world, no one was greater than Abraham, yet Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek, indicating that Melchizedek was even greater.  There is a stark contrast here between a religion of  war profiteers, to one which teaches us to love our enemy.  Christ too is from the line of Melchizedek, but rejects a jealous God, and describes an unknowable, just and benevolent God. The priesthood is changed to those of Christ, and the law is changed as well.  Look up Hebrews 7, then ask, and tell me why, if I am a Christian why must I support genocide? 386


Then the Lord said to Abram,   “I am the Lord, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to take possession of it.” But Abram said, “Sovereign Lord, how can I know that I will gain possession of it?” So the Lord said to him, “Bring me a heifer, a goat and a ram, each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon.” Then the Lord said to him, “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions."  On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, “To your descendants I give this land, from the River of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates."    Do we commit genocide and start World War three because of a Bible Story, where has our logic, compassion and reason gone? 385


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