

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”  Leo Tolstoy For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. Corinthians 10:3-5 This passage inspired Ignatius of Loyola to describe three sacrifices or stages of humility, ending with the highest form of humility, the third sacrifice, where a person embraces suffering, in complete spiritual surrender, valuing only what brings greater glory to God. Imagine a world where everyone stops consuming, only motivated by a single focus:  the ultimate good.     325


SHORT Do you believe in evolution? Do you deny natural selection? Everyone from Kings and Presidents to workers and beggars try to be the image of the man or lady they think they should be. Look around and all you see is the product of sexual competition. No amount of education, or modernization will erase our intrinsic sexual motivations. Sexuality is ingrained in our DNA, and motivates all we do including evolution. Sexuality and competition determine both your character, and your civilization. Sexuality is the nature of competition and competition is brutal. Aggression will always enslave the quiet, polite, and meek. Only when we evolve away from a sex driven society will the absurdity end. So, if you are Christian and think the meek should inherit the earth, consider both evolution and why God made you as he did. 364


SHORT   Adam and Eve were primates, modern civilization is how primates behave when they can talk to each other over time. No amount of education, or modernization will erase our intrinsic will. We are animals who envy, desire, enslave and kill each other for sexual dominance. Unless we reject the motivation, which produces this behavior, both individual and social behavior will continue to be determined by sexual competition. Sexual competition is ingrained in our ape DNA and motivates all evolution. Sexuality and competition determined both our character, and our civilization. Brutal aggression will always enslave the quiet, polite, or meek. Only when we evolve away from a sex driven society will the absurdity end, and the meek will inherit the earth. Then, competition will evolve into compassion, we will have equal justice, and feel infinite pity for others. 364


SHORT  Although difficult to comprehend a single life leaves a universal impression that is eternal, your life is in fact eternal. Furthermore, most religions replace fact with faith, science is dismissed, and we lie to our children to enforce false beliefs. Religion has been an algorithm for power through the subjugation of a peasant class. The Latin phrase "In hoc signo vinces," is conventionally translated into English as "In this sign thou shalt conquer," this phrase is the sign of conviction given to us by the Roman Emperor Constantine, that Christianity would be the religion of conquest and domination for the West. The realization that all current religion was in fact malicious is what shifted my interest from physics to religion. 361



SHORT I challenge you to fix this problem. RELIGION IS AN ALGORITHM AND IS VASTLY IMPORTANT.  BUT You can't stand those do-nothing hypocrites who pray for solutions while waiting for God to solve their problems.      Religion is all around you, how could you think it's not important? Think how religion molded Western Civilization, or maybe consider the wars we may soon fight. Then start to analyze the problem and consider what could be done to improve the situation. Religion is the algorithm that teaches children how to be adults, it is what gives character to each civilization.  Our Judeo-Christian religion is an algorithm for enslavement with one part instruction for a "chosen people" and the other for a meek servant class. This master-slave paradigm must change. We need a religion that is truthful and does not encourage ignorance. One which teaches people how-to live-in peace. Join me in the discussion, comment and subscribe, and let's fix the greatest problem of mankind. 360as in fact malicious is what shifted my interest from physics to religion. 361



SHORT  (I think that the religion we have today is the cause of our problems, this short video explains how religion shapes society). Religious systems and algorithmic structures share some similarities. Both are sets of instructions or guidelines that dictate behavior or outcomes. Religions provide moral and ethical frameworks through their teachings and practices, these are similar to how algorithms define a sequence of steps to achieve a specific goal. Much like algorithms govern processes, religions dictate community behavior, serving as a cohesive force that shapes culture. This perspective underscores the significant influence of religious systems on social dynamics and their pivotal role in molding the nature and quality of civilizations. Recognizing religion as an algorithmic construct provides a framework for understanding its impact on communal behavior, cultural norms, and the overarching character of societies. Society behaves according to what its individuals believe, and religion is what we use to teach a belief to the society we live in. (335) (NNA-1-1)




SHORT Evolution from Embryo to Baby, Young to Old, from Stone Age to Today The meaning of life can be mostly seen in our evolution, and the quality of our lives is proportionate to the quality of our evolution.

While some may seek different sources of meaning, the concept of evolution provides a broad framework for understanding our place in reality. A journey of evolution that requires the effort of lifelong learning and growth, however, this perspective on the meaning of life may not satisfy everyone, for the unsatisfied require faith in an afterlife. Yet, I find the afterlife an excuse for not making the effort to examine life fully. Nonetheless, even without having a meaning for life, each individual lives and identifies with his community. If religious, he is given and accepts some sort of faith-based explanation for creation, powers of good and evil, along with laws or rules of conduct to live by. The individual, completely unaware, will then participate in deterministic behavior based on a belief which is derived from the social norm of the community, and period they belong to. "The morality of the individual, then, consists in his fulfilling the duties of his social position". General Introduction to the Philosophy of History , G.W.F. Hegel (N-2-1) 352





347- Socrates taught that an un-examined life is not worth living. Our reality is experienced through past moments, and each subsequent moment is the result of past causality. Our beliefs are what inform our actions and change the future. To safeguard our beliefs, we must ensure that knowledge comes from a  well-aligned view of reality. Since, our existence is driven by our beliefs, which depend on the information we have, the validity of our existence hinges on the truthfulness of what we know.

Death should be a stark reminder that everything eventually returns to dust, yet, causality may be eternal, making a single life able to profoundly alter the future.

Thus our lives have eternal significance, with our actions echoing through time rather than merely turning to dust. In an infinite universe, each action serves as a fulcrum to an infinite future, making us God-like creators, and stewards of what is to come.

We have one life and one chance to live virtuously, so please lead a principled and meaningful existence. 



SHORT  "was is the saddest word of all"   The Sound and the Fury  by William Faulkner. If you step back and observe your reality,  you may realize that only the next moment is truly "real."  Our eyes are the most powerful tool we possess to perceive reality, but depending on the distance of our observations, our perception is always of the past. The past is accessible to us only through memories, and the future is no more than a probable prediction. As such, what we perceive as the present moment must actually be a past moment, and that is our reality, all we can know now,  "was."   “ he was the saddest word of all there is nothing else in the world its not despair until time its not even time until it was” (A-1-4) 334



SHORT The Greek word "meta" signifies "after" or "beyond," which is why we refer to everything that can only be understood through faith as metaphysics. "God" is a universal concept across cultures and languages, pointing towards an inherent aspect of reality. Whether seen through religious lenses or philosophical inquiry, the existence of the divine sparks existential contemplation and gives meaning to many people's lives. As such, acknowledging this ubiquitous phenomenon doesn't require belief in any particular deity; rather, it reflects an appreciation for the unknowable depths of the cosmos. In essence, believing in God amounts to recognizing the vastness beyond our understanding while accepting a plausible account of humankind's significance within this mysterious and unknowable context. God along with any related theology is what is necessary to explain the absurdity of a reality that only has meaning or purpose when seen through faith, since we are unable to rely on personal experience or observation of the unknown. Mostly, God is our understanding, through faith, without due regard for natural systems or established theory. 343



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