
things that are done now

Sephardic Jews Leave Turkey for Spain

The New York Times reports that Spain’s Sephardic Ancestry Bill...  would grant dual Spanish citizenship to the Jewish descendants of those expelled from the nation in 1492, is posing an increasingly tempting option to Jews in Istanbul who find themselves increasingly the targets of discrimination in the land in which they were born and raised...  Rafi, a 25-year-old Sephardic Jew from Istanbul, tells the Times that a crossword puzzle in a newspaper honoring Adolf Hitler made him think, “there is no future here.” ... A poll released in January by the Hrant Dink Foundation found that more than half of Turks believed that Jews are “responsible for most of the world’s wars.” Sixty-nine percent believed Jews were more loyal to Israel than their native countries.

God of the Gaps

What do a fiction writer and an astrophysicist have in common? Marilynne Robinson and Marcelo Gleiser connect the dots between the cosmos, our minds, and all the ways we discover the story of where we came from.  Listen to the show

Isaiah 53

1 Of Christ and his kingdom, whose word few will believe. 6 All men are sinners. 11 Christ is our righteousness, 12 and is dead for our sins.
1 Who [a]will believe our report? and to whom is the [b]arm of the Lord revealed?

Sociopath, traumatic childhood events and sociopathic behavior

The link between early traumatic experiences of abuse/neglect and criminal behaviour has been widely demonstrated. Less is known, however, about the relationship between these experiences and the development of psychopathic personality.


Can you make a sociopath

Psychologist John Watson, the founder of behaviorism, once said, “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in, and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select.”
If we take Watson's logic one step further, it may be possible to mold someone into a psychopath. 

Sabbatean (videos)


Vaclav Havel

We all know that funny feeling of filthiness of ickiness it's a feeling we call the prick of conscience
Vaclav Havel when we make a compromise that we have doubts about so we think about it again and again
My bravery comes out of a cowardnes because I am afraid of feeling that ickness that i have made an undesirable compromise that I have sidesteped Comversly 
when I have done somthing I know is rright even have a feeling of euphoria 

Psychopaths and Society

Kabbalah 2015

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai (2nd century CE)
As they set out from their place above, each soul is male and female as one. Only as they descend to this world do they part, each to its own side. And then it is the One Above who unites them again. This is His exclusive domain, for He alone knows which soul belongs to which and how they must reunite.
(Zohar, Book I, 85b)


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