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Religion is examined as a tool for governance and a history is written and edited to that perspective. Possible error's are pointed out and a solution for better religion/governnance is suggested.  

The historical account starts by comparing the similarities between the two creation epochs presented by the Egyptian religion  and in Genesis.

Then the biblical Moses is re-explained in view of the Hurrian or Hyksos exodus.  Giving the conclusion that the Jewish and Egyptian governance could somehow  be historically intertwined. 

Through  the Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and then finally the Roman conquest of the Jewish people,  the common Hebrew is governed through the aristocracy of its Kings and at the service of the empire of the day.

A historical outline of this idea is put forth that extends form the edges of pre-history to modern times. A connection is presented through history that illuminates many of the events of today in a new light.

"The truth will set you free ". Could this be a political statement ?

The fact that Religion is an excellent tool for manipulating an ignorant slave class indicates to us the value and power of truth, after all knowledge is power.

As today we fight religious wars over oil resources, in the times of Moses water was the primary resource. True power is not the people that lived in the region but rather the waters of principal rivers like the Nile and Tigris/ Euphrates that provided for them, for you can not have slaves without water. At the geographic center between the Nile and Euphrates  are the people of Canaan. This region stands at the frontier of the economic power and wealth of  the Nile river, the object of conquest from before the time of Moses to after that of Jesus Christ. All armies attempting to control these rivers would need to cross through Canaan and its peoples.

Anyone with some political understanding knows that the story of Moses could well be seen as a trick for domination or a well intentioned concept for saving his enslaved people.   Consider the benefit of moving a population and instilling in them a religious requirement to defend a land, this land Canaan. Could this be a  promised land promised by an Egyptian Pharaoh (God).  A people placed to serve as protectors of a land, destined to be the gatekeeper of Egypt. A land populated by devout believers of a territory given to them by God would surely make them the most dedicated defenders of it.   We humans defend our land with more vigor when we think it's ours, and more so if we believe God has given it to us. 

Recent archeological understanding reveals that the area of Canaan was populated by modest peoples without large temples,  no palaces or homes for an aristocratic class. Simple yet comfortable lives as those that would be generally afforded today to military families.    

Given this perspective, think in terms of the times of Jesus Christ.  Rome has put an end to the Pharaohs, destroyed the Jewish temple and made Egypt the personal property of Augustus Caesar. The people opposing Rome are in Palestine or Canaan, they are the Jews.  At this time a revelation that the Hebrew had been the un-knowing  garrison against  invaders in the protection of the resources of the Nile would have incited a repulsion of the occupying Romans. History indicates that the  greatest revolt against Rome came from the Jewish population in Canaan.

This messianic movement, as all movements, must have had economic backing and what better source could there have been than the disenfranchised rulers of Egypt. We tend to leave out the larger fact, that it's not only the Jews that have been conquered by Augustus but also the great Egyptians. We will move the process of this movement through the Julian Caesar's as they attempt to stop the Christian movement onto the Titus rulers who will then see opportunity in adapting the Christian message to the further benefit of Rome.     

This project looks at Christianity as well as our modern social order using what evidence can be found to best define Christianity.

This site provides a point of collaboration for competent and truthful persons to share opinions and information to build a common understanding. This Website presents the tools needed for that collaboration.  

We know that the protestant reformation permitted us to read the Bible in our own language. The new testament is the most revolutionary document known, it in fact describes the abolition of the Jewish government and points to the same for the Roman authority. Looking at history from this point of view it is understandable that the Church would not want it's people looking closely at what is actually said by the apostles or the details of history. It gives a good reason as to why it was so important to keep the Bible and so much of our past away from commoners.

We know that history is written by the victor. Its also understood that information is power. In the face of these factors a new perspective of our western history is presented.

The twist is, that this new view of history strangely fits our human nature, particularly our greed that is today the engine of economics. When contrasted with how we understand ourselves to be, this flow of belief rings surprisingly true. The biblical account when compared  to our human nature, new archeological and historical evidence tells a sad story of enslavement.

The resulting perspective leaves us with a Christianity that is more realistic and practical. It puts more of the responsibility of suffering on human shoulders and eliminates a need for Satan.

Is the Bible literal and absolutely true? Was it never changed by political realities? I believe that reasonable minds would think that changes would have been at least been tempting for rulers, in particular of the importance that belief has to how we are ruled.

One of the principal points of this argument is that indeed the Bible has been tweaked over time by  the self interest of Egyptian, Jewish and later Roman aristocratic or ruling class.

Truth is so important, that simply by finding the truth and coming to it we find freedom. It is my belief that there is a God, he is honest, absolutely based in truth, and is represented to us in Christ. This story may take us far form the story you have been told, but you will agree that it comes closer to truth.   

The historical account is made to be edited. There is a place at the bottom of all pages for you to place edits or comments that if reasonable will be incorporated into the text.

Thank you,  


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