SHORT Evolution from Embryo to Baby, Young to Old, from Stone Age to Today The meaning of life can be mostly seen in our evolution, and the quality of our lives is proportionate to the quality of our evolution.While some may seek different sources of meaning, the concept of evolution provides a broad framework for understanding our place in reality. A journey of evolution that requires the effort of lifelong learning and growth, however, this perspective on the meaning of life may not satisfy everyone, for the unsatisfied require faith in an afterlife. Yet, I find the afterlife an excuse for not making the effort to examine life fully. Nonetheless, even without having a meaning for life, each individual lives and identifies with his community. If religious, he is given and accepts some sort of faith-based explanation for creation, powers of good and evil, along with laws or rules of conduct to live by. The individual, completely unaware, will then participate in deterministic behavior based on a belief which is derived from the social norm of the community, and period they belong to. "The morality of the individual, then, consists in his fulfilling the duties of his social position". General Introduction to the Philosophy of History , G.W.F. Hegel (N-2-1) 352