DID YOU KNOW That Nero was the final Roman emperor of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, reigning from 54 AD until his death in 68 AD Tradition holds that the Apostle Paul was beheaded in Rome around 65 AD, his death was part of the executions of Christians ordered by Nero following the great fire of Rome, who he blamed the Christians for starting. Critical to understanding Roman Christianity should be that the Dynasty of the Julio-Claudians will end, and the following year Vespasian will become Roman Emperor, establishing the new Flavian Dynasty, then in 325 AD, Constantine, a Neo-Flavian will declare "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES," connive the Council of Nicea and make Christianity the religion of the land. Were Jewish-Christian elements co-conspirators with the Flavian's to take over the Roman Empire? Do you mind if I ask you to subscribe, that will help a lot with this channel. thanks 374