Bryan Magee talks with Hilary Putnam about the philosophy of science
What is or is not true can depend not only on what the facts are but on the human mind.
The example is given with and analogy of vision, we tend to think that what we see is what is there, but as we study vision as a scientist or as a painter we discover that what we call vision requires an enormous amount of interpretation the color we see as red is not the same color we see in terms of wave length at different times of the day. The truth or reality we see is an interpretation of what we think of as facts.
We bring our own interpretation onto the world, the world must have looked different to someone of the middle ages , that it does to us. The concept of space and time is very different to us that it was in the middle ages, creating a different reality or view of it .
The categories in which we see things come to us from our present and that is different for individual and time variables .
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