

Seven ??

1. First the • (Point), the Monad, Bythus (the Deep), the unknown and unknowable Father.

2. Δ (Triangle), Bythus and the first emanated pair or Duad,

3. Nous (Mind) and its syzygy Aletheia (Truth)

4. □ (Square), the dual Duad,

5. Tetractys or Quaternary, two males ||

6. the Logos (Word)

7. Anthrôpos (Man)

8. two females, their syzygies, = Zoê (Life)

9. Ekklesia (the Church or Assembly)

The Triangle the Potentiality of Spirit, the Square the Potentiality of Matter; the Vertical Straight Line the Potency of Spirit, and the Horizontal the Potency of Matter. Next comes the Pentagram ⋆, the Pentad, the mysterious symbol of the Manasáputras or Sons of Wisdom, which together with their syzygies make 10, or the Decad; and last of all, the Hexalpha or interlaced Triangles ✡ the Hexad, which with their syzygies make 12, or the Dodecad.


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