Avraham Abulafia


The contemplation of letters and words ... he did not limit this to hebrew the conjcept of using other letters and languages is a concept also used by the Bal Shem Tov alpha and omega ... then prophecy  contemplate creation based on the phycological predicictions of the individual mind - understand the subjective nature of the experiance.  Prophecy is an expansion of conciousness and awareness of nature and reality and the position we hold in that structure God 

page 95  "accorgin to what I have previously hinted if you wish to aspire to insite and revelation- contemplate creation


From https://archive.org/details/AbrahamAbulafiaAStarterKit

Abulafia developed a sophisticated theory of language, which assumes that Hebrew represents not so much the language as written or spoken as the principles of all languages, namely the ideal sounds and the combinations between them. Thus, Hebrew as an ideal language emcompasses all the other languages. This theory of language might have influenced Dante Alighieri. In his writings Abulafia uses Greek, Latin, Italian, Arabic, Tatar, and Basconian words for purpose of gematria.