I have learned that what I believe evolves over time. When I began to understand Georg Cantor, Alan Turing  what emergence from complexity says about entropy, I was forced to believe in God. The question became what was Gods intention.

The Platonic account of Sophia, the desire to know the unknowable, is us when we think of God.  Alan Turing said,  "We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done."   In this we are like the Demiurge, an architect building reality from a set of plans, thinking we are in control when in fact we are not capable of understanding this reality, or the complexity we call God.



SHORT  (I think that the religion we have today is the cause of our problems, this short video explains how religion shapes society). Religious systems and algorithmic structures share some similarities. Both are sets of instructions or guidelines that dictate behavior or outcomes. Religions provide moral and ethical frameworks through their teachings and practices, these are similar to how algorithms define a sequence of steps to achieve a specific goal. Much like algorithms govern processes, religions dictate community behavior, serving as a cohesive force that shapes culture. This perspective underscores the significant influence of religious systems on social dynamics and their pivotal role in molding the nature and quality of civilizations. Recognizing religion as an algorithmic construct provides a framework for understanding its impact on communal behavior, cultural norms, and the overarching character of societies. Society behaves according to what its individuals believe, and religion is what we use to teach a belief to the society we live in. (335) (NNA-1-1)


OPEN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE - Proposal to design an algorithm for direct democratic governance

If we can describe the flaws of our approach to governance, then we can apply what we know and design a more effective method to govern and improve human existence.

Please consider the following possible social algorithm (set of instructions) that could become the bases of an online direct democracy to govern a marketplace economy.

This is my description of a better system, a concept that is not the absolute, or the ideal solution, rather only a start for anyone to deconstruct and redesign.    

Mary Moran 1973 essay

Creation, Gods, Goddesses, Lilith,

 Lilith, Mary, Sophia, Ishtar, Isis, Astarte or Aphrodite, Asherah, or Venus all represent the same. Rulers of the divine plaroma. What is wrong with simply one God?

Kant, Schopenhauer, and the Problem of Evil



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