

DID YOU KNOW That Nero was the final Roman emperor of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, reigning from 54 AD until his death in 68 AD Tradition holds that the Apostle Paul was beheaded in Rome around 65 AD, his death was part of the executions of Christians ordered by Nero following the great fire of Rome, who he blamed the Christians for starting. Critical to understanding Roman Christianity should be that the Dynasty of the Julio-Claudians will end, and the following year Vespasian will become Roman Emperor, establishing the new Flavian Dynasty, then in 325 AD, Constantine, a Neo-Flavian will declare "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES," connive the Council of Nicea and make Christianity the religion of the land. Were Jewish-Christian elements co-conspirators with the Flavian's to take over the Roman Empire? Do you mind if I ask you to subscribe, that will help a lot with this channel. thanks 374


In 306 AD Constantine the Great, became the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, he decriminalized Christian practices and ceased Christian persecution, in a period referred to as the Constantinian shift.  He had a religeo-political ideology called Constantinianism, which called for the unity of Church and State, in simpler terms a  "state religion".  In 325 AD he called a council in the city of Nicaea, which brought together bishops from all over his Empire to resolve divisive issues and ensure a unified church which met his political necessities.  This gave us the Nicene Creed, and firmly established the Universal Church of Rome. Universal or Catholic because this would unify the many different religions of his Empire, by combining aspects of all, into one. 386


DID YOU KNOW: that in 306 AD Constantine the Great, became the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, he decriminalized Christian practices and stopped its persecution. He had a political ideology called Constantinianism, which called for the unity of Church and State, one single "state religion." Universal or Catholic because it combined the many different religions of his Empire, and thereby solved many political problems. Familiar aspects would be, the Unknowable God and Trinity of the Greek Platonist's, Eternal life of the Egyptians, and many elements from both Roman and Greek religio-philosophy. It would have a Jewish back story and Messiah. One of the largest religions of his Empire was the Persian faith of Zoroaster, their priest were called Magi, the same wise men who followed a star to Bethlehem looking for a newborn king, and why the Book of Revelation was added to the Bible 70 years after the Council of Nicaea. 390


SHORT  Although difficult to comprehend a single life leaves a universal impression that is eternal, your life is in fact eternal. Furthermore, most religions replace fact with faith, science is dismissed, and we lie to our children to enforce false beliefs. Religion has been an algorithm for power through the subjugation of a peasant class. The Latin phrase "In hoc signo vinces," is conventionally translated into English as "In this sign thou shalt conquer," this phrase is the sign of conviction given to us by the Roman Emperor Constantine, that Christianity would be the religion of conquest and domination for the West. The realization that all current religion was in fact malicious is what shifted my interest from physics to religion. 361


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