

Western Religion is a set of instructions, or in other words an algorithm. Instructions from a God we must fear and obey. Religion shapes our future and is responsible for our past behavior. Although God can be denied, it cannot be denied that people believe in God, nor that what people believe affects their behavior, and in turn affects you. Religion is both the problem and the solution. The realm of the unknowable increases with time, yet the unknown must be given words and form, thus we will always need some form of religion and faith to give meaning to the unknowable, call it God, or any other term we wish to call all that we cannot understand. History shows us that our religion has failed us and that we must build a more functional religion. We require a Religion that evolves with us, that is truthful, promotes intelligence, equal justice and motivates us to care for the least of us. Instead of fearing God we should embrace the unknown with inquiry and doubt. 363


SHORT I challenge you to fix this problem. RELIGION IS AN ALGORITHM AND IS VASTLY IMPORTANT.  BUT You can't stand those do-nothing hypocrites who pray for solutions while waiting for God to solve their problems.      Religion is all around you, how could you think it's not important? Think how religion molded Western Civilization, or maybe consider the wars we may soon fight. Then start to analyze the problem and consider what could be done to improve the situation. Religion is the algorithm that teaches children how to be adults, it is what gives character to each civilization.  Our Judeo-Christian religion is an algorithm for enslavement with one part instruction for a "chosen people" and the other for a meek servant class. This master-slave paradigm must change. We need a religion that is truthful and does not encourage ignorance. One which teaches people how-to live-in peace. Join me in the discussion, comment and subscribe, and let's fix the greatest problem of mankind. 360as in fact malicious is what shifted my interest from physics to religion. 361



SHORT  (I think that the religion we have today is the cause of our problems, this short video explains how religion shapes society). Religious systems and algorithmic structures share some similarities. Both are sets of instructions or guidelines that dictate behavior or outcomes. Religions provide moral and ethical frameworks through their teachings and practices, these are similar to how algorithms define a sequence of steps to achieve a specific goal. Much like algorithms govern processes, religions dictate community behavior, serving as a cohesive force that shapes culture. This perspective underscores the significant influence of religious systems on social dynamics and their pivotal role in molding the nature and quality of civilizations. Recognizing religion as an algorithmic construct provides a framework for understanding its impact on communal behavior, cultural norms, and the overarching character of societies. Society behaves according to what its individuals believe, and religion is what we use to teach a belief to the society we live in. (335) (NNA-1-1)


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