

These were the times of Christ. In 38 CE Caligula was the Roman Julian Emperor, and he regarded the Jews with suspicion, he felt they were the only people who opposed him. 40% of the population of Alexandria were Jews, and there were tensions between the Jews and the surrounding population. When Herod Agrippa I, the grandson of Herod the Great, traveled to Alexandria for a visit, the population was inflamed against the Jews. Philo writes " they slew them and thousands of others with all kinds of agony and tortures, and newly invented cruelties, for wherever they met with or caught sight of a Jew, they stoned him or beat him with sticks". There would also be riots in 40 and 66 CE - today the poor relation between Jews and the surrounding population continues and may lead us to a world war. 429


The Emperor Nero blamed Christians for the fire that ravaged Rome in 64 CE. He accused them for starting the fire, and arrested, tortured and executed hundreds of Christians including the Apostles Peter and Paul. In July 69 AD, Titus Flavius Vespasianus, or just Vespasian, was proclaimed emperor by his legions in Egypt and Syria, he will take Rome from the Julian Caesars and adopt Josephus the Jew as his historian. The Christian message will support his authority over the Egyptian and the Greek territories Rome now rules over. Finally, in 325 C.E. Christianity is firmly established by the Neo-Flavian, Flavius Valerius Constantinus. Why does it appear that the Flavians used Jews and Christians to take Rome from the Julian family of Nero. If I may ask, would you please subscribe, as that would help me greatly with this channel. Thanks 399-B 4 4 4


History is a set of lies agreed upon.' Napoleon (maybe) Nero was the final Roman emperor of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, reigning from 54 until his death in 68 AD and the final emperor of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty. Tradition holds that the Apostle Paul was beheaded in Rome around 65 AD, with his death as part of the executions of Christians ordered by Nero following the great fire of Rome, who he blamed the Christians for starting. Critical to understanding Roman Christianity should be that the Dynasty of the Julio-Claudians will end, and that the following year Vespasian will become Roman Emperor, establishing the new Flavian Dynasty, then in 325 AD, Constantine, a Neo-Flavian will declare "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES," bring together the Council of Nicea and make Christianity the religion of the land. Were Jewish-Christian elements coconspirators in the Flavian takeover of the Roman Empire? 374

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