

Many scholars believe that the name “Moses” has Egyptian origins.  It is certainly a possibility that this promised land was promised by an Egyptian Pharaoh and so-called God, in order to put in place a people to defend against invaders from the east, a people destined to be the gatekeepers of Egypt. A land populated by devout believers, charged with protecting a territory given to them by God. This would surely make them the most dedicated defenders of it. We certainly defend property with more vigor when we think it’s ours, and even more so if we believe God has given it to us. You may also consider today’s war in Palestine as no different, a people put in place in the precise location, to control the surrounding nations which may oppose the West. Who funds Israel? … little has changed. 399 B-4-4-1


As today we fight religious wars over oil resources, in the times of Moses, water was the contested resource. True power came not from the people that lived in the region, but rather the waters of principal rivers like the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates that provided for them, for you cannot have a civilization without fresh water. At the geographic center between the Nile and Euphrates are the people of Canaan. This region stands as the gateway to the economic power and wealth of the Nile River, the object of conquest from before the time of Moses to after that of Jesus Christ. All armies attempting to control the Nile would need to cross through Canaan and its inhabitants. Instead of a well-intended concept for saving an enslaved people, you may consider the story of the Exodus as a brilliant plan to protect the Egyptian state. How could we overlook the benefit of moving a population, or just using the preexisting inhabitants, then instilling in them a religious requirement to defend their land, and of all lands, Canaan. B-4-3 -398


Can God be jealous and insecure? "For you shall worship no other god; for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God". Exodus 34:14 Moses and the God of Moses belived in other Gods, they would not let them be worshiped, because god is jealous.. On the other hand Christians believe there is no God but One. For even if there are so-called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords, yet for us there is only one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him. 1 Corinthians 4 through 6 Gnostics and many early Christians did not accept the God of Moses, they believed there was but one true God, and that the God of Moses was the Great Architect or Demiurge, a vengeful creator, a flaw of creation and therefore was not the true God. 376

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