

Many people think religion is unnecessary, yet a society needs a consistent belief that is functional, unifies us, gives us an honest explanation for creation, and a meaning for existence. "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father." John 14:12 Look at Gaza or the Ukraine, both of these dysfunctional societies are rooted in our Judeo-Christian religion, we need to produce a greater work, a religion that is not malicious, that will produce Justice for all. On this channel there is a playlist called "Bible Story" which deconstructs the Bible from Creation to Christ, please watch the series and comment so that we may "separate the wheat from the chaff," then we can distill a belief that is adequate to build a just society. 424


In a deterministic universe, every action arises from preceding causes. While the cosmos propels us with relentless precision, it is through our beliefs that we carve out a space for agency. Beliefs shape perceptions and guide our path in this material world, becoming the substance that allows us to steer the course of our lives. Belief is our tool in a universe where outcomes may seem preordained. It enables us to act with intention and forge connections that give life meaning. Even if our choices are the products of causality, the act of choosing what we believe influences all future actions. Through belief, we assert our individuality; without it, we are left only with our biology, driven by the mechanisms of inevitability. 418


"There is only one Unknowable God—understood through what is Good." God is approached by grasping the concept of the Good, guiding us toward wisdom and the pursuit of a life lived harmoniously in Christ. God does not command us to be wise, yet those who remain in ignorance often endure lives filled with hardship. Little can be truly known of an Unknowable God, beyond what is evident. However, God requires us to evolve from youthful innocence into wise, mature souls. Though many fall short, this journey brings us closer to the Divine. We are not born with wisdom or intelligence; we develop these qualities through experience. Along the way, we may believe in many falsehoods. Yet, intelligence and wisdom are earned through honesty, time, and effort. This is the purpose of life, as it is the only path to understanding ourselves and, in part, God. 406


When Maxwell discovered electromagnetism, someone asked what the purpose of his discovery was, he answered, “what is the purpose of a newborn baby.” Without a defined purpose for existence how can the “will” be defined? For that matter, how can God be defined without a concrete basis for existence. No known religion or philosophy provides a realistic answer to the purpose of existence. We need a Religion that provides a proper explanation for our existence, one which is not absurd. Then from this explanation we could devise a basis for a set of instructions that would permit an agreeable and harmonious life. We need both rules of conduct, and a premise for existence, along with an honest position or perspective of the unknown, or metaphysical. A truthful basis for theology and its rules would then need to stand up to critical scrutiny, not as we have now, a dogma accepted by faith. B-1-6 -401


Society behaves according to what its individuals believe, and religion is what we use to teach a belief to the society we live in. In general people are both proud and ignorant, do not question reality, nor discern the truth from experience, still they will fight for what they believe, regardless if it is correct or not. A population can be easily manipulated, a trick that is well known by those in power and has been the purpose of religion ever since the word religion was first uttered. We are more affected by what others believe than by our own independent search for understanding. Since religion shapes the people who surround us, and in turn they shape us, we must make certain that religion be truthful as well as beneficial. Encouraging students and congregations to question established dogmas could then transform religion into a truth-seeking process, dedicated to cultivating a more functional and enlightened community. 353 BB-1-3


God is the term we use to describe a superior being that we imagine and fear, underpinning theology and representing creation. The phenomenon of God doesn't require belief in any particular deity, as interpretations of God vary as widely as individual perspectives. Whether or not one believes in God, religions provide meaning to many lives. However, since one religion often deems others false, it can be argued that religion imparts false meaning to people's lives. Believing in God involves recognizing the vastness beyond our understanding and accepting that any purpose to our existence can only be known through faith. Unfortunately, much current faith was established without regard for truth, reason, or established theory, often propagating ignorance and facilitating enslavement. We need an interpretation of God that is based on factual understanding, adds cohesion to society, and enhances the quality of life for everyone.


Western Religion is a set of instructions, or in other words an algorithm. Instructions from a God we must fear and obey. Religion shapes our future and is responsible for our past behavior. Although God can be denied, it cannot be denied that people believe in God, nor that what people believe affects their behavior, and in turn affects you. Religion is both the problem and the solution. The realm of the unknowable increases with time, yet the unknown must be given words and form, thus we will always need some form of religion and faith to give meaning to the unknowable, call it God, or any other term we wish to call all that we cannot understand. History shows us that our religion has failed us and that we must build a more functional religion. We require a Religion that evolves with us, that is truthful, promotes intelligence, equal justice and motivates us to care for the least of us. Instead of fearing God we should embrace the unknown with inquiry and doubt. 363

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