

Many people think religion is unnecessary, yet a society needs a consistent belief that is functional, unifies us, gives us an honest explanation for creation, and a meaning for existence. "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father." John 14:12 Look at Gaza or the Ukraine, both of these dysfunctional societies are rooted in our Judeo-Christian religion, we need to produce a greater work, a religion that is not malicious, that will produce Justice for all. On this channel there is a playlist called "Bible Story" which deconstructs the Bible from Creation to Christ, please watch the series and comment so that we may "separate the wheat from the chaff," then we can distill a belief that is adequate to build a just society. 424


War, and much less genocide is un-acceptable.  Don't be led astray, govern yourself by the Spirit of the living God..  Just because they build Churches does not indicate they are good or have good intentions. Pedophiles, sociopaths, liars and criminals all learned at an early age that Church is where you go to find both cover and victims. Christianity is a confusing mix of Jewish, Persian, Platonic, and Greek beliefs, which can be interpreted many ways. The Old Testament was written for a people chosen to be a military order, who have been at war with everyone that has lived in Palestine since Moses led them there. "You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." 2 Corinthians 3:3 Please, could I ask you to subscribe, as that would help me build this channel, thanks 417


Rome established Christianity as a state religion in the Fourth Century. It was carefully crafted to govern the population of the Empire, and the Catholic Church would evolve to dominate European civilization. By the time we get to the medieval period, “religion” became deeply intertwined with daily life, with no distinction between religious, social, and political activities. The concept of “religion” as we understand it today is relatively recent, emerging only after the Protestant Reformation had effectively separated the Church from the State. Before this period, the idea of “religion” as a distinct category separate from other aspects of life did not really exist. In fact, many ancient languages, including Latin, Hebrew, and Greek, lacked a specific word equivalent to the modern term “religion.” Instead, they used terms that referred to practices, rituals, or duties. 412


 "Legio," Latin for "a gathered body of soldiers," relates to "Re-legion," meaning to re-gather such a body. Religion can thus be crafted to serve political causes and inspire revolution. Rome tolerated many religions but persecuted Christians, especially under Nero, who blamed them for the Great Fire of Rome. Nero, the last Julian Caesar, saw Christianity as a political threat aiding his rivals. In 69 AD, the Flavians replaced the Julians as the new Caesars. By 325 AD, Neo-Flavian Caesar Constantine established the Catholic Church, solidifying Christianity’s role as a revolutionary force. In 410 AD, Arian Christian Visigoths sacked Rome, marking the beginning of the Dark Ages. 388


Religions provide moral and ethical frameworks, this is our algorithm or set of instructions which has made our Western civilization behave as it has throughout history, it has both ruled us and failed us for many years. While philosophy and science have moved ahead, religion is dogmatic and changes slowly, this has left us with a belief that is better suited for the Middle Ages and is no longer appropriate for our current society.  In the 19th century we began to recognize this fact, as was notably pointed out by Friedrich Nietzsche.  "God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we, murderers of all murderers, console ourselves? — . Nietzsche speaks to the fact that the "Age of Enlightenment'' began an erosion of our belief, and that society's view of the existence of God had become unreasonable. The old dogma had been proven false, and now found itself unable to stand against modern thought. b-1-5- 402


When Maxwell discovered electromagnetism, someone asked what the purpose of his discovery was, he answered, “what is the purpose of a newborn baby.” Without a defined purpose for existence how can the “will” be defined? For that matter, how can God be defined without a concrete basis for existence. No known religion or philosophy provides a realistic answer to the purpose of existence. We need a Religion that provides a proper explanation for our existence, one which is not absurd. Then from this explanation we could devise a basis for a set of instructions that would permit an agreeable and harmonious life. We need both rules of conduct, and a premise for existence, along with an honest position or perspective of the unknown, or metaphysical. A truthful basis for theology and its rules would then need to stand up to critical scrutiny, not as we have now, a dogma accepted by faith. B-1-6 -401


We should approach the history we're taught with a healthy dose of skepticism, and this applies even more so to our understanding of religion. It's important to recognize that many historical events may be fabrications, driven by political agendas. Both history and religion are best understood in probabilistic terms, where certainty is elusive, and interpretations can vary. For instance, contemporary scholars increasingly view Moses as a mythical figure—someone who may not have existed as a historical person, but rather as a character crafted in a fictional narrative with specific political goals in mind. History is the story we tell ourselves about who we are, shaping our identity. But can we truly claim that history is anything more than a constructed narrative? Just as we use reason and logic to anticipate the future, we should apply the same critical thinking to our understanding of the past. After all, isn't the world full of people ready to believe almost anything? 395 BB-4-1


Society behaves according to what its individuals believe, and religion is what we use to teach a belief to the society we live in. In general people are both proud and ignorant, do not question reality, nor discern the truth from experience, still they will fight for what they believe, regardless if it is correct or not. A population can be easily manipulated, a trick that is well known by those in power and has been the purpose of religion ever since the word religion was first uttered. We are more affected by what others believe than by our own independent search for understanding. Since religion shapes the people who surround us, and in turn they shape us, we must make certain that religion be truthful as well as beneficial. Encouraging students and congregations to question established dogmas could then transform religion into a truth-seeking process, dedicated to cultivating a more functional and enlightened community. 353 BB-1-3

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