
things that are done now

Site position on Masonry

This site see's religion as a part of social governance, and secrecy as an additional tool for the same.

Emergence and Complexity

Social change is a fashion statement

If you wish to think there is evil, then you should know we are the cause of it.  If we have the ability to cause evil we also have the ability to be compassionate and good. Therefore since we can fix the issue of evil, evil itself is an absurdity.

The only human force is our desire which can be called the "will," as a society its "will" can be known as fashion.  Meeting human desire is mostly an economic task, and a human needs very little to survive. It is bad fashion that makes us want more than our needs, we are forced to over consume in an effort to satisfy our mating desire.  If we become aware of the relation between fashion and mating, then fashion changes and, high heals and lipstick vanish.  

The ideal vision for existence is simple and kind to the individual, the correct childhood instruction changes our sense of fashion, which in turn produces the ideal society.  As one designs home one should design a society that has the particular beauty we sense for the particular time we live in.  

We live in a very special time that affords us the possibility for a better understanding of our social condition in order to make true and permanent changes.

The recognition of our difficulties and deficiencies is exactly what will permit a social architecture that will provide an acceptable humanity.


1. Sexual Competition, Suffering, Evolution and Civilization Part one

Logical Positivism

Positivism: Christian Worldview with R.C. Sproul

The main ideas of logical positivism are the insistence that all views must be verifiable through experiment or observation, and that all arguments must have a clear logical structure. Consequently, Logical Positivism rejects metaphysical doctrines.



GPT-3 Platonism and the Catholic Church: An Intersection of Philosophy and Religion

Platonism and the Catholic Church: An Intersection of Philosophy and Religion

Platonism, a philosophical system founded by the Greek philosopher Plato in the 4th century BC, has had a significant impact on Western thought and culture. One area where the influence of Platonism can be seen is in the Catholic Church, particularly in its theology and philosophy. This article will explore the intersection between Platonism and the Catholic Church and how it has influenced the Church's understanding of God, the human soul, and the relationship between reason and faith.

OPEN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE - Proposal to design an algorithm for direct democratic governance

As I hope you know by now, I wrote this history because I believe we are currently positioned to  truly step into a new society, and have developed a method for open direct democracy.  If we use the internet and social media for targeted education, and we manage our economy as an open transparent direct democracy, we will eliminate the need for an alpha male, and tyrants will be no more. We could then actually live within a society that provides equal justice for all, a reality similar to what we have only imagined as utopia. page 51


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