
1. Sexual Competition, Suffering, Evolution and Civilization Part one

3. Technology as the Medium: Fractals to Reason - Part Three

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Daniel Dennett, External Professor, Santa Fe Institute March 16, 2010


The Bektashi Begat the Shriners?
Posted on December 31, 2008 | Leave a comment
“[The Bektashi] are even said to be affiliated to some of the French Masonic Lodges. One thing is certain; the order now consists almost exclusively of gentlemen of education, belonging to the Liberal, or Young Turk party.”

– Richard Davey, The Sultan and His Subjects [1897] (Gorgias Press LLC, 2001), p. 65.

Gerrit Smith "The Religion of Reason"

The hidden God

Caesars Messiah



Shakers, Ann Lee

United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing

By 1774, Ann Lee and some eight of her followers had emigrated to America, settling in New York "When confronted about a female’s right to preach, she responded that “all the children, both male and female, must be subject to their parents; and the woman, being second, must be subject to her husband, who is the first; but when the man is gone, the right of government belongs to the woman:

So is the family of Christ.” the group reached maximum size of about 6,000 full members in 1840, Shakers codified their rules for the first time as the Millennial Laws of 1821.

Babylonian Creation (Enuma elish)

This tells of the creation of the world, and of Marduk's victory over Tiamat, and how it relates to him becoming king of the gods. This is then followed by an invocation to Marduk by his fifty names.

Please note the similarity of the 72 names of invocation by Kabbalists.


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