
Social change is a fashion statement

If you wish to think there is evil, then you should know we are the cause of it.  If we have the ability to cause evil we also have the ability to be compassionate and good. Therefore since we can fix the issue of evil, evil itself is an absurdity.

The only human force is our desire which can be called the "will," as a society its "will" can be known as fashion.  Meeting human desire is mostly an economic task, and a human needs very little to survive. It is bad fashion that makes us want more than our needs, we are forced to over consume in an effort to satisfy our mating desire.  If we become aware of the relation between fashion and mating, then fashion changes and, high heals and lipstick vanish.  

The ideal vision for existence is simple and kind to the individual, the correct childhood instruction changes our sense of fashion, which in turn produces the ideal society.  As one designs home one should design a society that has the particular beauty we sense for the particular time we live in.  

We live in a very special time that affords us the possibility for a better understanding of our social condition in order to make true and permanent changes.

The recognition of our difficulties and deficiencies is exactly what will permit a social architecture that will provide an acceptable humanity.


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Psychopaths and Society



The purpose of this paper is to examine the legal and political institutions of Iceland from the tenth to the thirteenth centuries. They are of interest for two reasons. First, they are relatively well documented; the sagas were written by people who had lived under that set of institutions[3] and provide a detailed inside view of their workings. Legal conflicts were of great interest to the medieval Icelanders: Njal, the eponymous hero of the most famous of the sagas,[4] is not a warrior but a lawyer--"so skilled in law that no one was considered his equal." In the action of the sagas, law cases play as central a role as battles.

Democracy chat

I would avoid any community with a direct democracy like the plague.
The idea that majority rules and people are all equal is just as dehumanizing as brutal dictatorships. Although you're more likely to be left alone in a brutal dictatorship than you are in a mob rule society. A dictator only has so much reach to harm the populace while mob rule gives every participant the power and encourages them to dehumanize and devalue their fellow neighbor.
Any society premised on the idea that all people are equal and *must* be given equal opportunities has and will end in suffering.




Lawrence Kohlberg spent many years researching how an individual develops their own moral codes. First, Kohlberg was born into wealth on October 25, 1927 in Bronxville, New York. Even though he was wealthy, he chose to become a sailor; and after World War II, he helped to smuggle Jews through the British blockade of Palestine.

Father and Son Communion

Know When To Fold 'Em    When is it time to walk away, and when is it time to run? This week we have the story of an entire country deciding whether to give up on just one of it's citizens, when to hold 'em in order to win nearly a million dollars in poker, and a new story from Dave Dickerson.

I'd been raised an evangelical Christian-- you know, conservative, Bible-believing Christian-- and I loved it so much that I said, I'm going to be a pastor. I'm going to learn everything I can learn. And I went off and I majored in religious studies in college. And from my very first scholarly class in the history of the Bible, my faith began to crumble until there was nothing left. And I now had this game I could play, where if you open a Bible to any page, I could find five flaws in it.

Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche


Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Jr. (born September 8, 1922) is an American political activist and founder of a network of political committees, parties, and publications known collectively as the LaRouche movement. Often described as a political extremist, he has written prolifically in these publications on economic, scientific, and political topics, as well as on history, philosophy, and psychoanalysis, largely promoting a conspiracist view of history and current affairs.[1]


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