

History is our tree of life. We pay too little attention to it, we repeat our mistakes, and as we technically progress we fail culturally.
So much of history will never be unearthed, and much of history is myth. We can see our present time connected to history as with strings that tie  who we are and how we behave to our past. If we get our history wrong we get ourselves wrong 
Its up to individual faith to decide what version of history to accept. Our truth is best un-veiled with a combination of dedicated study and honesty. Each one of us is made from 4.5 billion years of effort that holds inside us all the past eternity, and surely the future as well. 


Mount Gerizim Samaritans

From https://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/5706/     Mount Gerizim, or Jebel et-Tor, is the sacred mountain of the Samaritans and has been so for thousands of years. It consists of three peaks, the main summit, the wide flat western hill and Tell er-Ras to the north. It has been traditionally identified with the sacred mountain upon which the Blessing was delivered by Divine decree, a claim which, in Samaritan belief, overrides that of the rival Temple of Jerusalem. On the summit is a rock which the Samaritans believe was the place where Abraham was about to sacrifice his son Isaac.


At a very early age I began to sail upon the ocean. For more than forty years, I have sailed
everywhere that people go. I prayed to the
most merciful Lord about my heart's great desire, and He gave me the spirit and the intelligence
for the task: seafaring, astronomy, geometry, arithmetic, skill in drafting spherical maps and
placing correctly the cities, rivers, mountains and ports. I also studied cosmology, history,
chronology and philosophy.

Early Japanese Visitor Describes "Competitive 1872 Iwakura Embassy

First Japanese Embassy Tensho (1582-1590)

William Penn

"Bushell's Case," also known as "The Quakers' Great Case," which involved William Penn and William Mead in 1670. William Penn, a prominent Quaker, and William Mead were arrested for preaching in the street near Gracechurch Street in London. The case is significant for its role in the development of the jury's independence.

During the trial, the jury, led by Edward Bushell, found Penn and Mead not guilty despite the judge's instructions to convict them. The judge, however, was dissatisfied with the jury's decision and imprisoned them for their refusal to change their verdict. This led to a series of legal battles that ultimately reinforced the idea that juries should be free from coercion and have the authority to reach their own decisions.

This case contributed to the principle of jury nullification, emphasizing the jury's right to deliver a verdict based on their conscience and not merely on the judge's instructions. It became an important precedent in the protection of the independence of juries in legal proceedings.

Varangians Stars and Stripes - U.S. Flag

The name given by Greeks, Rus' people, Ruthenians, and others to Vikings,[1][2][3][4] who between the 9th and 11th centuries, ruled the medieval state of Kievan Rus', settled among many territories of modern Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, and formed the Byzantine Varangian Guard.[5][6] According to the 12th century Kievan Primary Chronicle, a group of Varangians known as the Rus'[7] settled in Novgorod in 862 under the leadership of Rurik. Before Rurik, the Rus' might have ruled an earlier hypothetical polity.

Russia, Vikings and Khazars

In 862 A.D. Kievan Rus', the first united East Slavic state, was founded in 882. The state adopted Christianity from the Byzantine Empire in 988, beginning with the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium.
In 882 a Viking leader, Oleg, moves his headquarters down the Dnieper, seizing the town of Kiev. Here, in 911, he negotiates a commercial treaty with the Byzantine empire.

Thirty Years War, Prelude to Democracy

A story from Josephus's writings confirms that Daniel's prophecies were received centuries before Alexander the Great conquered the world.

In 332 B.C. Alexander besieged and defeated the coastal cities of Tyre and Gaza in his march toward Egypt. During this campaign he turned toward Jerusalem. Alexander had already demanded men and supplies from the Jews, who were under the rule of Alexander's mortal enemy, the Persian king Darius. The high priest hesitated, saying that while Darius lived they would honor their pledge. Alexander was angry and began a move on the city.

...he book of Daniel was shewed him, wherein Daniel declared that one of the Greeks should destroy the empire of the Persians, he supposed that himself was the person intended; and as he was then glad, 

Anglo/Saxon myth


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