
Sex abuse foments aberrant behavior

The love of enemy and neighbor is Integral to the Christian message, an evolution from primitive behaviors such as revenge, or envy. The more we protect our children from early sexual experiences, particularly abuse... the more we end up with fellow adults who can think beyond the sex drive. The more we evolve from the base motivator of sexuality the richer out lives become.

The City -- How to run the world

FROM... Parag Khanna

 In a world that increasingly appears ungovernable, cities—not states—are the islands of governance on which the future world order will be built. Cities are humanity’s real building blocks because of their economic size, population density, political dominance, and innovative edge. They are real “facts on the ground,” almost immeasurably more meaningful to most people in the world than often invisible national borders. In this century, it will be the city—not the state—that becomes the nexus of economic and political power.

George R. Price


WHEN George Price died in January 1975, his funeral in London was attended by five homeless men: dishevelled, smelly and cold. Alongside them were Bill Hamilton and John Maynard Smith, both distinguished British evolutionary biologists. All seven men had come to mourn an American scientist who helped to unpick the riddle of why people should ever be kind to one another, who had chosen to give away his clothes, his possessions and his home, and who, when his generosity was exhausted, slashed his own throat with a pair of scissors, aged 52.

Economist, social aristocracy

from Special report on global leaders Jan 20th 2011  Not everyone loves Davos

The world is a complicated place, with oceans of new information sloshing around. To run a multinational organisation, it helps if you have a rough idea of what is going on. It also helps to be on first-name terms with other globocrats. So the cosmopolitan elite—international financiers, bureaucrats, charity bosses and thinkers—constantly meet and talk. They flock to elite gatherings such as the World Economic Forum at Davos, the Trilateral Commission and the Boao meeting in China. They form clubs.

Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy - Individual Vs Collective

A belief in the state as superior to the individual, was the basis of the Nazi concept of the state.

We do not want to have any other god, only Germany!" Adolph Hitler

Military service and military endeavors as the most noble of human undertakings. This is a tricky area of the Nazi religion to examine, given the primacy of belief in the military in the United States today.

Christianities new Messiah

Christianity is a careful compellation of Greek Philosophy, Egyptian afterlife theology, and the Zoroastrian duality of good and evil wrapped into Jewish historical context.  Developed as the ideal method for governing the new Roman empire of the first century.  By the fourth century Constantine militarized Christianity and then propelled by the invasions of the Huns, along with the Arian Christianization of the Visigoths, put an end to Rome itself, and set in place for the west  the Catholic Church we know today.

Sociology and the Utopian Society

Edward Bernays and Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses  Video

Discovering a better socio/economic model for us to live by should certainly be something we put our best minds to working on.

In my limited experience with thinking or working with this theme I found little opportunity for any significant change from the status quo.


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