BC 1 to 500

Ptolemy XV Caesarion

23 June 47: born as son of Cleopatra VII and recognized by Gaius Julius Caesar After the death of Cleopatra's co-ruler Ptolemy XIV (August 44), Caesarion is made king 43: On behalf of the Senate, Cornelius Dolabella recognizes the boy-king. After 37, he is no longer mentioned in official documents; probably because Cleopatra now hopes to continue her dynasty through the children of Marc Antony,the twins Alexander Helius and Cleopatra Selene 34: Adopted as son by Marc Antony 32: Marc Antony divorces his wife Octavia; outbreak of war between Octavian and Marc Antony. 31: Marc Antony and Cleopatra move to Greece, where they are isolated by Octavian's admiral Agrippa; although they are able to win a tactical victory and break out of their isolated position at Actium, the campaign is a distaster and Octavian is able to achieve control of the east Cleopatra flees to Alexandria and opens negotiations with Octavian; her purpose is to save her children and keep the Ptolemaic kingdom intact 12 August 30: After Octavian has declined to negotiate, Cleopatra commits suicide; Marc Antony does the same. Their children survive, Caesarian tries to flee to Nubia and India, but is arrested and executed.

Platos Cave

The the Judeo/christian story in the place where Noah is said to have landed. From the peoples of the region surrounding Mount Ararat, in a time which is before Persia, would be the land of the Assyrians.  Not only is Noah depiected as coming from this religion but also Socrates. Alexander the Great, Macedonian, conquered the Greeks then Palestine, Egypt and Persia.  Persia was also the land of Mitani, Semitic lands where Noah came and Moses goes to.


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