OPEN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE - Proposal to design an algorithm for direct democratic governance

If we can describe the flaws of our approach to governance, then we can apply what we know and design a more effective method to govern and improve human existence.

Please consider the following possible social algorithm (set of instructions) that could become the bases of an online direct democracy to govern a marketplace economy.

This is my description of a better system, a concept that is not the absolute, or the ideal solution, rather only a start for anyone to deconstruct and redesign.    


Our culture is a composition of historical events that are caused by biological motivators that German philosophers call the  human "will." Our "will" is primarily the product of biology which produces the behavior of sexual dominance which in turn iterates like a fractal to produce civilization and our specific culture. Both our religion and governance are defined by our culture, from the language we speak to the food we eat, our culture defines every aspect of life. For this reason, our culture may be the most significant factor to who we become, our day to day reality is determined by the  particular culture within which we exist.

Historically, religion was what defined our culture, but today we are loosing faith in the old dogma, with religious adherents seen as either fools or hypocrites.

The Judeo/Christian model that served for two millennium has become irrational to us. Aimless masses of souls now swarm to a commercial message driven by a variety of media outlets. We either look for scraps of philosophy or go without a set belief, becoming nothing more than absurd mindless workers and consumers with pointless existences, manipulated by media, and motivated by consumption and sexual desire. The buffet of western religions that once gave us purpose did not evolve with our cultural evolution.

Religion began to fail in the eighteenth century with the advent of the scientific method. The age of reason educated the privileged, and today the internet provides information to all. The mysteries that were once the realm of a priest class are bare and exposed and do not stand to reason or empirical scrutiny. In the absence of religion all that remains is the propaganda of commerce as it directs and governs us. 

Although we have lost our religion, we remain in need of religion.  How we govern our society must be rooted in a message we call faith, for we have discovered much of what is reality is unknowable, and the more we learn about our reality the greater the unknown becomes. Since only a belief based on faith can assert anything onto the unknown, we require a religion to form a belief system, and therefore religion will remain the most significant aspect of human life. Faith and a religion will always define our status quo, point of view, and cultural evolution.

Culture and religion go hand in hand, and  we can do a far better job with both. Culture should provide equal justice and an economy that provides for a decent life for all. If we raised dogs would we not care for all of them equally. To have a culture that is kind to "the least of us" we must have a religion, a human algorithm that is honest. To formulate a potential bases and framework of a religion and social structure, we must first come to some understanding of who we are and what purpose we may have for existence.   

While we wait for the Messiah to give us a new faith, let us consider what motivates us, and how we may improve society. 


Mankind was designed to evolve through a struggle to the death over wealth and power. Our civilization has been an absurd series of wars, famines, driven by ignorance, and greed. 

We persist as creatures motivated by the characteristics of an ape. Driven by sexual competition, we have always had a "king of the hill" method of governance, where the most ruthless human traits become nobility. We fail to notice we are governed by a system created and operated by evolving hairless apes, who are driven by fear and sexual desire, without a clue for why they exist.

Only a fool would argue that life is not a cruelty, an absurdity of suffering, and that it may well be pointless in its current form.

Before we bring another child into this world, it would be wise to have a valid argument for doing so? 

We have no valid idea for why we exist, but we do know our social customs, laws and governments are based solely on natural motivators of sexual dominance and survival. All our lofty cultural achievements are no more than the expression of inherent animal motivators.

Driven by desire, we compete for the love of our mate, and will pillage any village for benefit our kin. How could we expect for a properly run state to function as a contest of survival of the fittest, yet this is how we have operated our society throughout history. We have built governments on a framework provided to us by our biology.

Our best solution was Democracy, which is merely an elaborate theater that gives an appearance of individual participation, and has in no way eliminated tyranny. Tyrants are the embodiment of the alpha male of the many tribes of primates. In a democracy elected government officials are only human, and are often corrupted. Propaganda can mold public opinion, and a democracy ends as a tyranny covered with a layer of deception.  We should be able to notice this absurdity, and consider changes that would improve the quality of life.     

The problem and solution is in each of us, we are the sum of the parts of any society or government. Since our civilization is the product of many flawed individuals, most of what we define as evil and suffering lies within our individual human behavior that dictates the choices we make.  

Although human motivation is biological, we can think, we can be rational, therefore we are able to consider alternatives to a design nature has given us. When we notice that evil is only the point of view of the looser of a competition, and that war is the natural fruit of competition, maybe then we can take alternatives to the status quo seriously.

It is clear that reality has not been good or kind to us, instead it has been the cause of much suffering, all in pursuit of an unknown objective. 

To win a competition it is vital that your adversary be more stupid than you. So we end up with stupidity everywhere, and lost of people making poor choices, so we produce a tragic society.

Ignorance is to ignore our faults, ignorance is to act poorly and be unaware, ignorance is a primary cause for evil. 


Personal faults in turn make social faults, and become endemic characteristics that are only corrected with education and the intervention of experience.

Often we are unable to see our own faults, and unrecognized, our faults will persist unless noticed by someone else.

Social media technology permits us to notice human flaws on a large scale, it can also be a platform to make collaborative transparent choices to run a corporation or community. 

We have overlooked the potential that social media has as a tool for collaborative governing. Any group can use social media to define objectives, set parameters for action, and transparently detail the process on an online platform that all can verify. Religion in conjunction with social media can be used to create a framework for social evolution. 

If administrative choices were crowd sourced, there would be a greater chance someone would notice a flaw in a choice prior to committing to it, better choices would be made and we would end up with better governance.              

The solution is a collaborative platform to run a business or organization. An online direct democracy which can make direct open choices that are transparent to everyone involved. This would in essence remove the individual manager or CEO, and insert a collaborative method for decision making in its place. All options could be seen by all, thereby recognizing individual human flaws prior to making choices, and insuring outcomes that are better for all involved.

A transparent collaborative decision process would convert the economic motivation from self interest, to common interest.

Our current economic system is based on a moderated tyrannical structure of a Board or Congress, a President or CEO, followed by Generals, Captains etc...  This corporate form of government is what we use for all our institutions, corporate, and state.

Governance today is made of individuals who are elected  to represent us, to make choices for us. Alternatively, in a direct online democratic model of government, there are no managers to elect, instead choices are made directly by participants online and in real time. By adopting a direct open model of governance, we can make vetted management choices, within an online social media platform.


This simple idea works only in a free market economy, it can apply to any business, or govern any process. 

We can agree that government is for those who participate, that desire is demand, and that economics boils down to supply and demand.

There is no need for supply without demand. Therefore demand, or rather the consumer can be the force which directs our economy through a social media platform.

The correct algorithm within an online platform can harness the consumer into an economic invisible hand for corporate direction.

So, if you would like to change the world for the better, simply participate, use our website every day.  

Since all of us have desires and demands, in order to build an economy governed as a direct democracy all that is required is your participation.      

Humanity is at an inflection point, we can act to correct many of the fundamental problems of our institutions with open collaborative governance.

Please Participate