St. Isaac the Syrian

Isaac the Syrian, also remembered as Saint Isaac the Syrian, Isaac of Nineveh, Abba Isaac, Isaac Syrus and Isaac of Qatar, was a 7th-century Syriac Christian bishop and theologian best remembered for his written works on Christian asceticism. Wikipedia
Born: Qatar
Died: Nineveh, Iraq
Attributes: Turban, cape, scrolls, writing tools
Feast: January 28
Venerated in: Church of the East, Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Churches

Ephrem the Syrian, also known as Saint Ephrem, Saint Ephraim, Ephrem of Edessa or Aprem of Nisibis, was a prominent Christian theologian and writer who is revered as one of the most notable hymnographers of Eastern Christianity. He was born in Nisibis, served as a deacon and later lived in Edessa. Wikipedia
Born: Nusaybin, Türkiye
Died: June 9, 373 AD, Edessa, Türkiye
Attributes: Vine and scroll, deacon's vestments and thurible; with Saint Basil the Great; composing hymns with a lyre

Benedict of Nursia OSB, often known as Saint Benedict, was an Italian Christian monk, writer, and theologian. He is venerated in the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Oriental Orthodox Churches, the Anglican Communion, and Old Catholic Churches. Wikipedia
Born: March 2, 480 AD, Norcia, Italy
Died: March 21, 547 AD (age 67 years), Abbey of Montecassino, Italy
Place of burial: Monte Cassino, Italy
Parents: Claudia Abondantia Reguardati, Eutropio Anicio

Paul of Thebes, commonly known as Paul the First Hermit or Paul the Anchorite, was an Egyptian saint regarded as the first Christian hermit and grazer, who was claimed to have lived alone in the desert of Thebes, Roman Egypt from the age of sixteen to the age of one hundred and thirteen years old. Wikipedia
Born: 227 AD, Thebaid
Died: 341 AD (age 114 years), Thebes, Egypt
Place of burial: Monastery of Saint Paul the Anchorite
Feast: 10 January/15 January (Catholic Church); 15 January (Eastern Orthodox Church); 9 February (Coptic Orthodox Church)
Major shrine: Monastery of Saint Paul the Anchorite, Egypt