So, once upon a time.....
The Genome project tells us, that about 100 thousand years ago there was a group of about 10 thousand humans that lived in Africa. In Sudan near the headwaters of the Nile river, just South of where Egypt is today. They can tell from genetic markers that they migrated east from there and became the eastern races.
So in this little story of mine... Adam and Eve lived in this perfect land we will call Eden. It was never too cold, good water, and it had plenty of food just waiting to be plucked from the trees. No need for clothes, no need for work, it was a good time.
They grew and multiplied. Over time many would leave Eden and go east. These people that left suffered the consequences of leaving Eden. They had to wear clothes to protect themselves from the cold. They made tools to work the land and have dominion over the beasts. Life was a bit more difficult for them, but they prospered as well.
They worked in communities, they had language, and could talk to each other. They stood upright on two legs. They could out run all the other beasts and could travel to far off places.
They were the cleverest of all the creatures on earth, yet, they were scared and superstitious. They had different characters. Some would bully, some were meek, and others were curious and would examine things. Those that looked at the stars would learn when to expect the seasons and could predict when the times of hunger and cold would come. The stars would not only tell them when to plant but also answer their superstitions.
They would study the motion of the heavens. They would keep their knowledge secret and pass it on from generation to generation. They discovered that knowing when the seasons would come to plant would feed the people. They alone with their knowledge could calm the fear of starvation. They would gain the trust of the people. These early mathematicians and astronomers were the only ones that understood what the stars would say. With these secrets they would govern the meek, the scared, and the bullies.
Their secret knowledge would make them very special people. They would become like God’s to all the others.
In the first 100 thousand years of the life of these humans, these special people, had learned not only how to read the stars, know the seasons and plant the plants, but had learned that they could create a "reality" for the people they fed. You see even though we know we come from something in the past we can only remember the past we personally live. When each of us is born we start afresh… we have no idea who we are or where we came from. You can tell us any past or reality you wish and if you are convincing we will believe that reality.
They found that if they kept the truth of history secret, they could then create almost any reality and pass that on as truth... even a lie would become truth and then defended. Imagine that your parents never told you Santa Clause was not true, and made certain you were always fooled. Just like children we want to keep believing.
Well... those that knew this trick would be the most powerful of all... they would hold the truth of the past secret and would keep it to themselves. They would create an illusion of reality for the others, a reality tailored to make them willing servants and slaves. Entire civilizations could be put in their hands. They would keep their civilizations in an illusion. Like Plato explains in his allegory of the cave, we would become so trusted in our illusion that we would kill any one that would bring us the truth.
These select wise men knew they themselves were only a belief that was connected only by the corruptive power that their unique knowledge gave them. They would be very cautious as to whom they would tell the truth to.
They went further east to settle the other lands. They would settle the rivers to the east. The people from the land of Eden would call themselves Egyptians and their river the Nile. Further east they would give themselves names, like the Babylonians of the Tigris and Euphrates.
They would make a calendar of the cosmos and make Gods from the celestial bodies. The calendar would be the bond that united this family of special people that knew the truth. A calendar that had some 26,000 years that repeated on the anniversary of the first observations. Divided into 12 parts of a zodiac to be 2166 years. 26,000 years that marked the complete precession of the stars. The wobble or precession of the earth only they knew. The God/Stars they believed controlled the universe and themselves.
They would continue to go east, to create more civilizations. The Chinese, the Indians of India and the Indians of America. No mater where these wise men would go they would take their knowledge given to them by the ancients. They would govern their peoples as slaves and their people would love them as Gods.
They would prosper from the ignorance of others. They knew they only had this power because of the ignorance they could enforce. They must enforce ignorance, or they would loose all power, the truth would be their enemy.
The most powerful of them were from the river where all humans had come, the Nile, in Egypt. They were the Egyptian Pharaohs. The High Priest-Pharaoh would be created in the image of his particular reality and given to the slaves for them to live in his reality and to worship him. Time would begin with the Pharaohs reign. Then the slaves would be told a great mythical heroic reality. The slaves would love the greatness of the Pharaoh and call him God. They would till the soil for him and they would fight battles against other rulers from far off lands.
Although these Pharaohs were Gods to the slaves they governed... they knew that they did not create themselves.
The Pharaohs had their own belief, secret beliefs. To them order was life and chaos was what opposed life. They believed the greatest and most heroic of them were the personification of order and must surely be touched by the Gods.
They would look at the cosmos, the earth and nature and they saw a great ordered system. Before this ordered system existed there must have been chaos. Then it must follow that order came from chaos... and order then must be their God. This could only mean one thing, that they the wisest, the most knowing creators, managers of slaves and civilizations … the rulers of this order must be the Heroes that God had chosen from this chaos to do Gods work and they alone were descended from the Creator God. They must be one and the same with God.
The greatest of them even given birth by God. The fathers of heroes must have been Gods and not mortals. A virgin birth of course. There fathers were certainly Gods that came down and mated with women.
This meant that in this order that the creator had made, God had put all the other people on earth to serve them.
The Mammoth dies
About 13 thousand years ago something occurred that would change everything. In North America the Mammoth and the Saber Tooth tiger disappear. From 100 thousand years ago, polar ice shows a steady cooling down of the temperatures of earth and when the earth is at its coldest...about 13 thousand years ago there is rapid warming.
At this point in our history we had moved all over the planet, but we had not yet formed the great civilizations.
The universe, the very stars that the first peoples had gazed upon would come to give them a great nudge. A great cold would come for many years. Only the wisest and the strongest would survive. Those who were bold would travel great distances in search for the life force, the one object they knew gave life, the Sun.
For all the years increasing colder temperatures they would of course go to where the Sun rose in the east. They would populate the world in 100,000 years of migration.
Then 13,000 years ago temperatures beguin to rise. Language develops and populations along the the major rivers beguin our civilization.
As temperatures continue to increase, populations of the northern European tribes beguin to grow. Trade between these northern tribes and the settled populations of Babylon and later Media grows.
As population inccreases in these northern lands they would migrate into the lands of Babylon, and Egypt.
With these migrations came a mindset of freedom. Living with the harshness of the north and its nature for so many years had made their minds independent of slavery. They were not the soft slave minds of Egypt or Babylon.
They would come south to the lands that would one day be Macedonia, Assyria, and Greece and build empires. Babylon and its slavery would not be for them.
These northern tribes would be the sea peoples that would plunder Egypt, and finaly distroy Babylon and Egypt.
Adam and Eve
The influence Egyptians had on the belief of the Israelites must have been significant. Both history and the Bible show people that lived in peace next to each other for hundreds of years. No mountains to separate them, no walls, no fortifications between these two peoples.
The creation story of the Hebrew God is very similar to the Egyptian creation story. In the Egyptian story, God comes from chaos and creates the earth the sky and the night and the animals.
The Egyptian story has Osyris and Isis instead of Adam and Eve… and have Osyris being killed by his brother Set for the cause of violence. We have the story of Cane killing Able … and Cane the bad son going to the East… This would work nicely if you wanted to have a people hate people coming from the east.…for they are the sons of Cain. Especially if all your enemies are from the east like the Babylonians and Assyrians.
The Egyptian belief is that these original peoples are Gods and in Genesis they are Humans. In the Egyptian story God creates the heavens and the earth but they are Gods.
In the Bible, God creates the heavens, the earth, and creates man and woman in his image. Then he is done on the seventh day. But wait, he actually has made a mistake.
As an afterthought a working class is created for he forgot there was no one to do the work.
Genesis 2:5 "And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground"
He now creates Adam and Eave to till the earth and work the garden. I would suppose Adam and Eave are made to serve the Man and Woman created in Gods image during first the 7 days of creation. Obviously if you are made in Gods image you don't till the earth.
The parallels between the Egyptian religion and the old testament are quite numerous, to the extent of archeologists finding Biblical verses in Egyptian temples.
No need to go further into this aspect, as I only want to give a short history from a different perspective.
The Floods
Ice Age would end… and if God is the Alpha and Omega, it would be God that did all this. This Ice age would not end calmly or without greater effect. Global warming... rapid global warming.
As the temperatures warmed. The ice began to melt, the seas would began to swell, great floods would come. It would stand to reason that as most all people lived along the rivers and seas, floods would have been a problem.
The world would warmup like it had not done in 100 thousand years, and it would stay warm. The peoples that had migrated would have found their lands more plentiful. With shorter winters and longer growing seasons...populations would grow in the northern climates that were once cold and barren.
After 100 thousand years of migration, the harsh conditions, change into the relatively warm and calm forests in Europe. Populations grow on the northern outskirts of the established Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations.
It is now possibly 6000 years before Christ, this remnant of survivors would be those that would start our civilization, the Greek, Macedonian, and Roman peoples.
The adversity of the events of migrations, that journey from thousands of years ago, was now in this mans collective memory. There were now some that believed that there was something internal that connected us to the Alpha and Omega… to God, a living God that spoke to us. A living God that was both suffering as well as love. A God not to be understood but to be obeyed. The God that speaks to Abraham.
For this man there could be but one God, and in Babylon, the Gods of Babylon could not serve him, they were no longer his Gods. This man is the man inside Zarathustraand inside Abraham.
For the people that lived near Mount Ararat where Noah is said to have landed, in time become believers of one God Ahuramazda (Ahura - lord, Mazda- wisdom) , and their prophet Zarathustra. These are the people that will become the Hyskos, Hurrians, from Mitanni, who later become the Persians and the Hebrew.
Abraham comes from the city of Ur in Babylon. The father of the Hebrew people and the future of a nation.
The Bible will tell us that this is now the tenth generation after the flood. The people of Abraham go through a journey from Babylon through the lands of the Hurrians, Hyskos, and Mitanni and then west to Egypt where this story began. The sons of Abraham have a God, known as YHWH. The lands of Mitanni from where the tribes of Abraham have come to Egypt from, had named God, Ahuramazda.
In Egypt they will meet the illusionists and masters of Kingdom of Egypt. The line of wise men known as the Pharaohs now come face to face with their past. The mind of Abraham, touches the minds of the Egyptians. These people who believe independently, would come to teach the great Egyptians.
Archaeology tells us that about 3800 years ago Semitic people from the lands of Mitanni settle in the lands of the Nile Delta. It is unknown if they are in Egypt by conquest or by choice as slaves. They are known as the Hyksos, or “the foreign rulers”. At some point during this period the Pharaoh removes these people from the delta region, but history can not say where they went. These peoples... they have infected the land of the Pharaohs. So infected is Egypt, that one of its Pharaohs Amenhotep IV, tries to convert the Egyptian religion and all its Priests to the belief in one God. This will not do.
There are no other archeological or historical events that parallel the biblical events of the Exoduslike this one. Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell both believe that the reign Amenhotep IV, is the most likely time for the Exodus story.
Remember these Egyptian Pharaohs are the greatest of all masters. They have for thousands of years perfected the control of how reality is perceived by their slaves. In this world reality, religion, and history is invented for the working class through propaganda for the benefit of the priests and the Pharaohs.
Is the following story a possibility?
Keep in mind that in these times only a select few could read and most all people were slaves. Those that could read believed themselves divinely selected to rule others.
The Pharaoh Tut-moses removes the Hyskos from his land and most cleverly places them next to Egypt in Canaan. To do this he gives them new and extraordinary reality. These peoples, these slaves that believe in one God the sons of Abraham,they that have infected the land of the Pharaohs, will be given a make over of biblical proportions.
Thousands are sent into the desert, lead by Moses and his priests. For 40 years they are forced to wander a desert. They are walked in circles and in starvation. The most perfect form of brain washing and mind control will occur. A generation passes and a new history is given to them to be believed. They are resettled at the very border of Egypt, to be governed by Kings they believe to be their own. Told that they had been given this land by God.
They will protect that land unlike any slave, for they believe they are free, and have been divinely given this land. The truth will be kept from them and they will fight all invaders that come for the rich lands of the Nile and of Egypt.
A little side note …. Why didn’t anyone never ask... “why did the Pharaoh not go get his slaves back?” They could havesaid at some point in the hundreds of years… “lets go get the slaves we lost so many years ago.” ,"we can’t let that Moses get away with that!" There should be some sort of sentiments there, a few wars at least. But nothing … no problems. Plus, there is no sea between Egypt and Israel you can walk there.
None the less the Israelites certainly do a lot of fighting, just not against the Egyptians. The Bible is full of wars.