This universe is finite, there is only one "now", and this "now" can not be changed. This makes your life eternal en relation to space time but not the universe. This concept of order from chaos is the information needed to create the universe we know from start to finish. We now know the universe began 14(+_) billion years ago, and we know that it will end by cooling down, falling into a black hole and moving away from itself. Although that end is a long way from now and a great deal of information will be created in the interim, but it will not be infinite.
A universal "Turing" machine on the other hand would recreate an almost infinite amount of parallel universes.
Since for our purpose there is only one "Now", the only real universe is the one we live in. Although a Universal Turring machine and our imagination could create many, many other possible universes there is only one reality. You get only one life and its eternal. The Christian undestands life is eternal, so please take notice of what you are here on earth for.
To fill your life with love of things like money, lust, etc... would be a failure of your humanity. You will have destroyed your life, missed the meaning of your reality, and assured your eternal life will be a hell.
The "Turing" machine was described in 1936 by Alan Turing[1] who called it an "a-machine" (automatic machine). The Turing machine is not intended as practical computing technology, but rather as a hypothetical device representing a computing machine. Turing machines help computer scientists understand the limits of mechanical computation.
Start this video at 17:25, the substance of this lecture starts there. I did not find a video that describes what I think is the most interesting aspect of the Turing machine. Turing points to the fact that that everything is information, that that a Turing machine produces an infinite set of information, therefore in theory can replicate any finite set, including the set that is a human life, or all of human history. .
Turing machine