
The most successful Jewish Minyan of all time, which will reconcile with Israel under Mashiach

History of Christianity


We can know Christianity best when seen in a historical perspective.  We too know ourselves when we understand our history. It would stand that through a combination of  Biblical understanding and Historical/Archeological knowledge we would come closer to the truth.

Recently findings at   Göbekli Tepe suggest that religion came first and possibly was the cause of civilization. The location of this site is near the geographical birth place of Abraham. Here are found the first Temples build by Neolithic man.

Justin Martyr

St Justin Martyr (100 AD-165 AD) is one of the earliest witnesses and defenders of the belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

Dialogue with Trypho

Crescens was a Cynic philosopher who attacked the Christians, and was in turn attacked by Justin Martyr. Eusebius, writing 150 years later, accused him of causing Justin's death.

God beyond God: Meister Eckhart

St. Isaac the Syrian

Isaac the Syrian, also remembered as Saint Isaac the Syrian, Isaac of Nineveh, Abba Isaac, Isaac Syrus and Isaac of Qatar, was a 7th-century Syriac Christian bishop and theologian best remembered for his written works on Christian asceticism. Wikipedia
Born: Qatar
Died: Nineveh, Iraq
Attributes: Turban, cape, scrolls, writing tools
Feast: January 28
Venerated in: Church of the East, Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Churches



De Principiis (Origen)

"In Your light we shall see light"; i.e., in Your word and wisdom which is Your Son, in Himself we shall see You the Father. Because He is called light, shall He be supposed to have any resemblance to the light of the sun? Or how should there be the slightest ground for imagining, that from that corporeal light any one could derive the cause of knowledge, and come to the understanding of the truth?

The Body of God


La venida del Mesías en Gloria y Majestad (1826)

Evangelical Christians in the USA | DW Documentary



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