I came to the Presbyterian Church while I was involved in local politics, the pastor printed out a statement to all that we should follow Romans 13, and stay out of politics.
In 69 AD, Vespasian,takes control of Rome after the subjugation of the Jews in the Great Jewish Revolt. During this time he became the patron of Flavius Josephus, a Jewish resistance leader captured at the Siege of Yodfat, who would later write his people's history in Greek.
The entirety of human history is inextricably bound to religion, it can not be divided. We have been tossing this word around alot. We should figure out what we mean when we say it. Religion is the language through which one discribes of transendence And by transcendence I don't mean any thing more complicated that that which lies beyond our material realm , our experience of the material realm. Religion is not something you believe in or don't believe in.
When we believe somthing that belief is composed not only of the fact of the comcept that belived, but also by who the observer, or person understanding the concept is. For a person living in India it is easy to accept the Hindu failth because it is the tradition they are born to. For me, I would need to incorporate my Christian tradition into Hinduism, I would in fact Christianize Hinduism.
The Septuagint was written in Koine Greek , said to have been written by Ptolemaîos Philádelphos, 309–246 BCE, for the Greek speaking peoples in Alexandria. His brothers were kings of Macedonia and were killed in the Gallic invasion of the Balkans. The importance of the Jewish faith, to the ruleing Greeks after Alexander is clear. Today faith remains important to how we govern.
The God who wasn't there Clinton Richard Dawkins 1976 book The Selfish Gene, 2006 book The God Delusion,
Lets consider telling the truth when we attempt to speak of faith. Religion is a difficult enough subject to have to defend a belief that is riddled with un truth.. in particular when we pretend that this belief is truth.