
things that are done now

Father and Son Communion


Know When To Fold 'Em    When is it time to walk away, and when is it time to run? This week we have the story of an entire country deciding whether to give up on just one of it's citizens, when to hold 'em in order to win nearly a million dollars in poker, and a new story from Dave Dickerson.

I'd been raised an evangelical Christian-- you know, conservative, Bible-believing Christian-- and I loved it so much that I said, I'm going to be a pastor. I'm going to learn everything I can learn. And I went off and I majored in religious studies in college. And from my very first scholarly class in the history of the Bible, my faith began to crumble until there was nothing left. And I now had this game I could play, where if you open a Bible to any page, I could find five flaws in it.

Bart D. Ehrman


Folowing the general thinking on this website, the gospels are a colections of writings that describe a new religious movement spearheaded by Jesus Christ.

The carefull re-manipulation of the concepts of this radical religious and social movement would have been the object of the Roman church that came after Constantine (325AD).

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Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche



Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Jr. (born September 8, 1922) is an American political activist and founder of a network of political committees, parties, and publications known collectively as the LaRouche movement. Often described as a political extremist, he has written prolifically in these publications on economic, scientific, and political topics, as well as on history, philosophy, and psychoanalysis, largely promoting a conspiracist view of history and current affairs.[1]

Sex abuse foments aberrant behavior


The love of enemy and neighbor is Integral to the Christian message, an evolution from primitive behaviors such as revenge, or envy. The more we protect our children from early sexual experiences, particularly abuse... the more we end up with fellow adults who can think beyond the sex drive. The more we evolve from the base motivator of sexuality the richer out lives become.

Quantum Physics an Epistemology or an Ontology

The power of poo


Poop is our largest living organ  90 % of living matter in us 9 times more living cells than the body has human cells?  Talk about order out of chaos.

 "It contains about nine times more living bacteria, bacterial cells, than the body contains human cells. So, in a manner of speaking, we are 10 percent human and 90 percent poo."

Sheep intelegence


Professor Jenny Morton set out to research Huntington's disease in humans. But she ended up publishing a research paper on sheep intelligence. That might seem like a pretty bad wrong turn. But it isn't -- because the thinking power of sheep isn't as woolly as most people believe. Ms. Morton is a professor of neurobiology at the University of Cambridge. She's just published a paper on the subject of sheep smarts in the journal Public Library of Science One.



Shalom Auslander


note .. have not gone further into this  story of the "forskin lament  "   a comparisson ofr the dogma of jewish  as  well as catholic to the human reality.


The City -- How to run the world


FROM... Parag Khanna

 In a world that increasingly appears ungovernable, cities—not states—are the islands of governance on which the future world order will be built. Cities are humanity’s real building blocks because of their economic size, population density, political dominance, and innovative edge. They are real “facts on the ground,” almost immeasurably more meaningful to most people in the world than often invisible national borders. In this century, it will be the city—not the state—that becomes the nexus of economic and political power.


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