AD 1800 to 1900

Thaddeus Stevens

Thaddeus Stevens Stevens dreamed of a socially just world, where unearned privilege did not exist.[8] He believed from his personal experience that being different or having a different perspective can enrich society.[8] He believed that differences among people should not be feared or oppressed but celebrated.[8] In his will he left $50,000 to establish Stevens, a school for the relief and refuge of homeless, indigent orphans. "They shall be carefully educated in the various branches of English education and all industrial trades and pursuits. No preference shall be shown on account of race or color in their admission or treatment. Neither poor Germans, Irish or Mahometan, nor any others on account their race or religion of their parents, shall be excluded. They shall be fed at the same table." 

Karl Marx   Heigel Civil society iand its economic affairs is a war of all against all. It is the continuous conflict of egoistic desire.   

Mormon Masonic or Jesuit

In April 1847 the pioneer company of Mormons was on its way from Winter Quarters, Nebraska, to Utah. The reports of Fremont and conversations with Father De Smet, a Jesuit missionary to the Indians, helped to influence their choice to head for the Great Basin. An advance party, including three African-Americans, entered Salt Lake Valley July 22, 1847, and the rest of the company on July 24.

William H. Seward

William H. Seward (1801-1872) from... Anti-Mason. Admitted to the bar at Utica NY in 1822, settling in Auburn in 1823. In 1830 he was named as the Anti-Masonic candidate for the state senate. Governor of New York 1839- 43. U.S. Senator from New York 1849- 61. U.S. Secretary of State 1861-69. In 1857 the Russian minister to the United States suggested that Alaska might be for sale. The U.S. Civil War prevented any transaction from taking place immediately. Finally, in 1867, a treaty was negotiated by Secretary of State, Seward by which the United States purchased

Martin Heidegger

Henry David Thoreau

What does the quote 'only that day dawns to which we are awake' from Henry David Thoreau mean?

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Charles Darwin and George Price

Søren Kierkegaard

Consider: The act instills in the adherents the willigness to sacrifice their children which is an excellent call for a mercenary soldier tribe.  


Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) wrote a series of essays in the last two years of his life that have been published as his Attack upon "Christendom. Christendom is the embodiment of the notion that the objectives of God are to be realized by an alliance between church and state.


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