AD 1800 to 1900

W. G. Sibley Leo Taxil's Remarkable Books about Murder, the Devil, Women, & the Black Mass, in the High Degrees.

The most absurd of all the entanglements into which the Roman Catholic Church has been drawn by its detestation for the society — a tale of ludicrous credulity and blind fanaticism unparalleled in the closing decade of the last century, has been related with much particularity by several writers.

The case of Diana Vaughan, former «Great Priestess» of Lucifer

Excerpt from “New Masonic signals and orders which are transmitted through media”, Volume IV

Diana Vaughan was born in Kentucky, on the 29th of February 1864. Her mother, Léonie de Grammont, was French. Her father came from a family whose members sold their soul, for generations, to Lucifer.

Education in the luciferian spirit

La venida del Mesías en Gloria y Majestad (1826)

Johann Kemper

"The New Testament represents the departure from the law of the Old Testament, but this departure is itself encoded in the symbolic identification of the New Testament as the Oral Torah of the rabbinic tradition. The paradox of this identification entails the recognition that breaking away from the law in the most complete sense is the means to fulfill it."

The Secret Doctrine, Isis Unveiled -- H. P. Blavatsky


The Bektashi Begat the Shriners?
Posted on December 31, 2008 | Leave a comment
“[The Bektashi] are even said to be affiliated to some of the French Masonic Lodges. One thing is certain; the order now consists almost exclusively of gentlemen of education, belonging to the Liberal, or Young Turk party.”

– Richard Davey, The Sultan and His Subjects [1897] (Gorgias Press LLC, 2001), p. 65.

Éliphas Lévi -- Eliphas Levi He also expressed his independence by leaving the Masonic lodge of the "Great Orient", believing that it was a form of modern secularization, where knowledge of the original meanings of symbols and rituals was lost. "I ceased being a freemason, at once, because the Freemasons, excommunicated by the Pope, did not believe in tolerating Catholicism."[2]

La Bible de la liberté [The Bible of Liberty].
Histoire de la magie [The History of Magic].

Gerrit Smith "The Religion of Reason"

Unknown By Gershom Scholem

Gershom Scholem (1897-1982)

Carl Gustav Jung

Carl Jung and the Spiritual Problem of the Modern Individual




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