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Evil is a human construct

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3. Technology as the Medium: Fractals to Reason - Part Three

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Redemption "Mashiach"

: "Anyone who does not believe in him, or who does not wait for his arrival, has not merely denied the other prophets, but has also denied the Torah and Moses, our Rabbi."[20]   Maimonides, Mishneh Torah (Hil. Melakhim, chapter 11)

Jason Reza Jorjani - Zoroastrianism

Miracles - Could I offer you eternal life

The novo-dark age ... The loss of Craft

Who will make you a fine chest , table or chair ?  This question is sadly unanswered our society can no longer make such things. More importantly it no longer cares nor know the value of such things.  When we look into the lives of the Greeks and think fo potters making pots or sculptors sculpting we can ge some glimpse at what we have lost in todays way of life.

Evangelical on coincidences

Se also determinism, and   free will

You were only mentioned to me in passing. Yet, It has been in the back of my mind.  I understand we physically resemble each other and I too did not believe in God.
I began today trying to understand determinism, coincidences, and the Biblical understanding of it, and ended writing to someone I don’t know at all.


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